Interesting how God allows things to happen in your life...and then, expects you to use what you know or to speak or to do what He's already told you to do.
At this very moment in my life, I have been asked to do something...thought I could...had something else happening at the same time...and had my husband step in and tell me not only what I need to do ...but what we will be doing. In other words, He didn't let me decide...he has decided.
I told the first people involved and have not heard back from them in a positive way...and since I'm talking about very close family and I like to please people...I didn't want to beg out of the thing I committed to....even though it wasn't my fault that I can't do what I said I would do. To some this sounds I'm not very decisive...but I am one that wants to please and I seldom say no to things I'm asked to do. If I can make it work, I'll do all in my power to get her done.
Well, as the time has gotten closer to both things...the one I no longer can do...and the one I'm has played on my heart that I've not been relieved of the disappointment that has come about from my not being involved. I'm doing as my husband says...not battling...though I did put up a question or 2 and he hasn't changed his mind.
As I went to pick up grandgirls from pre-school and kidergarten today, I kept talking to the LORD about whether my husband was right...whether I should have insisted that I keep the commitment I made...and the LORD said, "It doesn't matter whether Tim is right or wrong. There does not have to be a wrong or right way here. Your job is to submit to your husband. This is your test."
Now, as I heard these words...lights began to flash...reminder that I had had a dream last year about a test. I came home and looked it up on my . Here's the dream:
I was in a building. I don’t know whether a house or not, but it had many rooms. I was the teacher, and I was passing out a test. As I was a teacher in public school for almost 20 years, that doesn’t seem so strange, except, my students were adults. As I was passing out the test, the adults, who were not seated and separated, like a teacher likes in her classroom, and they were not being quiet. In fact, they were talking and laughing, walking in and out of the room, like a birthday party, or a social gathering.
As I handed out the test, I remember thinking, how do I do this? How do they not cheat? I heard myself saying, “This is your test. You need not cheat, for you must know it for the Boards.” Knowing friends, doctors, lawyers, nurses, all have to pass the State Boards, that seemed to be what I was saying.
As I passed a test to each person, the person would look annoyed, at me handing them the test, and they were annoyed by my saying, “This is your test. You must know it for the Boards.” All miffed, that I was breaking in…that this was an inconvenience..some rolling eyes. No one was glad I was there nor that I was giving out the test.
I actually had 2 tests. I remember that I had to decide what and how to hold the 2 huge stacks of tests, and I had to decide which to give out first. As I juggled all the paper, and the tests might have been as thin as a sheet can be, and each was very hard to pass out. After the 1st test, they could turn in and get the 2nd.
As I maneuvered, from room to room, handing the tests out, I would choose one person, here and there, to help me pass out the test. Some just took papers and handed them out. Others, looked miffed that I would ask them to help hand them out. It seemed like an eternity…I was no where near the end of handing out the test, when…………rnnnnnngggggggg!!!! My cell phone was ringing. The call made me jump, as I was sleeping deeply. However, I did not want to return to the dream…I was exhausted from the mission I was on to give out the test.
I knew when I awakened that there was something about this dream...just the fact that I remembered it...and long enough to write it down. I knew it was a warning to be prepared...that I was preparing others to take the see if they knew the a pre-test Then, they would learn what they didn't know and take the pass.
Today, the LORD said that I was passing this test by submitting to my husband. So, Funny!!!
I have just been sharing with several women younger than me that not submitting to our Head...our husband...that not staying under that umbrella of protection is sin. The Word says that if we regard iniquity (sin) in our heart that He can't hear us. I've been teaching the younger women as Titus tells us to love their husbands and their children. Wives submitting to their own husbands shows up in Ephesians, Colossians, and 1 Corinthians.
Though I've been praying it daily for years...and I've been teaching and telling...sharing with women all around test appears a seductive spirit...even as an angel of light. I'm tempted to fight with my husband and to make us do the 1st thing I committed to do...and not just yield and do what my husband says. Holy Spirit has to tell me it's my test.
Holy Spirit, I just want to thank You, for teaching me...reminding me...of my responsibility...before I slip out from under that protective covering. Thank You, LORD, for Your WORD that is a lamp unto my feet...and that I hide it in my heart, daily, that I not sin against You.
The LORD even said today, "Even if it is not the right thing to do, you are his helpmate to help encourage and hold up, even when he makes the wrong turn..the wrong choice. You have a blood covenant with him and made a vow to abide until death parts you."
LORD, I give thanks to You for Your mighty WORD!!
In Jesus' Name,
Amen and Amen.
Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
My Purpose
I was just thinking today about my purpose in God's Kingdom. I mean I'm doing what I do...praying on the conference line, exercising, eating breakfast, taking my shower and dressing., and praying on the fb prayer wall...all while I care for, loving on my granddaughter that comes everyday. In other words, I have...or sort of have a pattern of things to do each most of us.
I'm a retired teacher, who was always busy...staying late and bringing work home to do. It was my stay connected with my "call" at all times. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the LORD called me to the classroom...and I stayed there until He led me out into retirement. I had no idea at the time that my prayer ministry...praying more than an hour each morning on a conference line...was about to take off.
I've been praying with one sister in Christ for 8 1/2 years...every day! What a glorious time we've had! We've seen so many miracles!!! Some have happened quickly..almost before we asked...and some are still happening around us. The commitment thing has been the clue. It's not me...or's Him. We serve Him every day. We commune every day...same time...and place (conference line). Like the pony express...or postman of matter the weather...not just physical storms...but many, many, many spiritual storms we've weathered together. We were already friends and sisters in Christ...before we began praying together.
We are now such an extent...such a the LORD said in the Garden...that they be ONE as WE are ONE!!!! GLORY!!! Anyway, we had no idea that from that time we spent together...and from the website that we had prayed on for about the same amount of years…that we would create a page for this ministry on fb that would go to the ends of the earth. Praying for the nations…for individuals in nations…gathered with them across timezones and the equator…so God!!!
Well, today, as I was going about my business but with my mind stayed on HIM…I was thinking about how I love doing the 2 Bible Studies that I go to…one 2 Tuesdays a month…the other 3 Thursdays a month…and to ESL (English is a 2nd language) while my grandgirls attend AWANAS (a children’s Bible Program) at my church. I’m studying The Power of a Woman’s Words, by Sharon Jaynes on Tuesdays with mostly ladies I taught school with, and other friends. I’m studying The Shelter of God’s Promises, by Sheila Walsh on Thursdays.
I’ve studied several Beth Moore studies…2 this year with the Thursday group… Believing God and Why Godly People Do Ungodly Things. You might say that I’m a busy retired person…as many of the retired say, “I don’t know how I had time to work.” J
As of yesterday, I joined SHINEgirls…a Bible Study on the internet with friends, family, and other sisters in Christ…I am loving the time with the books…the people…and mostly the WORD…such a conglomeration of things…like a wonderful feast…with many flavors. With all this going on, I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren..and I get off any small amount of time I can with the man God has given me…no doubt my Mama was right…when she said…”He’s a diamond in the rough!”
Among the thoughts…today…came a wonderful memory of a teaching God gave me many years ago..when I was pondering my purpose. At the time I had a big ole’ goat named Judy. The old woman, who sold me Judy, was named Bernice…and she shared with me about goats…all who in her herd loved her much! Bernice dressed a lot like a man…working outside…and had a cigarette that hung out of her mouth when she talked..and Judy loved the tobacco as Bernice would give her like it was a treasure.
I bought Judy in order to milk her. I had read about the Proverbial woman in Proverbs 31, and I had actually wanted a cow but did not have enough pasture…in fact I had a rough pasture. Judy loved it though..just right for a goat. I did milk her and my children and I drank the milk. As they got older, they hated it because nobody liked goat milk. However, I used the milk…sold it to people with bone and digestive problems. It became a ministry.
Well, one day…I don’t know if I was sleeping or awake ..but I could see a man …a caretaker of the goats…like a shepherd of sheep. He was feeding the goats that were in the fence…older ones and babies. He was throwing hay over the fence.
The LORD asked me who was he and what was he doing? I described just as I said above, and I realized that the LORD was teaching me a lesson. This man was a pastor…he was feeding the flock…and Judy was eating and being filled.
The LORD said, “What about the babies?” “They can’t eat the grain or the hay,” I said. “They nurse their mothers…like Judy with her babies.” The LORD said, “You are a Judy.” You eat the meat. You chew and chew..digesting…and nurturing with the milk. Then, you teach the baby to eat the hay…at first it is so bad…they keep trying to bypass the hay and get to the Mama for milk. She has to kick…to push them away…to cause them to have to eat the hay and the grain…to be able to fend for themselves.
Enlightenment!! So illumined in the Truth of it all! I wasn’t the shepherd, but the Mama…the older woman…teaching the younger woman…
God is soooo good! Ask and He shall give it to you! Seek and ye shall find! Knock and it shall be opened to you! For everyone that asketh..receiveth; and he who seeketh …findeth..and to him that shall be opened!!
Love to all!
I'm a retired teacher, who was always busy...staying late and bringing work home to do. It was my stay connected with my "call" at all times. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the LORD called me to the classroom...and I stayed there until He led me out into retirement. I had no idea at the time that my prayer ministry...praying more than an hour each morning on a conference line...was about to take off.
I've been praying with one sister in Christ for 8 1/2 years...every day! What a glorious time we've had! We've seen so many miracles!!! Some have happened quickly..almost before we asked...and some are still happening around us. The commitment thing has been the clue. It's not me...or's Him. We serve Him every day. We commune every day...same time...and place (conference line). Like the pony express...or postman of matter the weather...not just physical storms...but many, many, many spiritual storms we've weathered together. We were already friends and sisters in Christ...before we began praying together.
We are now such an extent...such a the LORD said in the Garden...that they be ONE as WE are ONE!!!! GLORY!!! Anyway, we had no idea that from that time we spent together...and from the website that we had prayed on for about the same amount of years…that we would create a page for this ministry on fb that would go to the ends of the earth. Praying for the nations…for individuals in nations…gathered with them across timezones and the equator…so God!!!
Well, today, as I was going about my business but with my mind stayed on HIM…I was thinking about how I love doing the 2 Bible Studies that I go to…one 2 Tuesdays a month…the other 3 Thursdays a month…and to ESL (English is a 2nd language) while my grandgirls attend AWANAS (a children’s Bible Program) at my church. I’m studying The Power of a Woman’s Words, by Sharon Jaynes on Tuesdays with mostly ladies I taught school with, and other friends. I’m studying The Shelter of God’s Promises, by Sheila Walsh on Thursdays.
I’ve studied several Beth Moore studies…2 this year with the Thursday group… Believing God and Why Godly People Do Ungodly Things. You might say that I’m a busy retired person…as many of the retired say, “I don’t know how I had time to work.” J
As of yesterday, I joined SHINEgirls…a Bible Study on the internet with friends, family, and other sisters in Christ…I am loving the time with the books…the people…and mostly the WORD…such a conglomeration of things…like a wonderful feast…with many flavors. With all this going on, I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren..and I get off any small amount of time I can with the man God has given me…no doubt my Mama was right…when she said…”He’s a diamond in the rough!”
Among the thoughts…today…came a wonderful memory of a teaching God gave me many years ago..when I was pondering my purpose. At the time I had a big ole’ goat named Judy. The old woman, who sold me Judy, was named Bernice…and she shared with me about goats…all who in her herd loved her much! Bernice dressed a lot like a man…working outside…and had a cigarette that hung out of her mouth when she talked..and Judy loved the tobacco as Bernice would give her like it was a treasure.
I bought Judy in order to milk her. I had read about the Proverbial woman in Proverbs 31, and I had actually wanted a cow but did not have enough pasture…in fact I had a rough pasture. Judy loved it though..just right for a goat. I did milk her and my children and I drank the milk. As they got older, they hated it because nobody liked goat milk. However, I used the milk…sold it to people with bone and digestive problems. It became a ministry.
Well, one day…I don’t know if I was sleeping or awake ..but I could see a man …a caretaker of the goats…like a shepherd of sheep. He was feeding the goats that were in the fence…older ones and babies. He was throwing hay over the fence.
The LORD asked me who was he and what was he doing? I described just as I said above, and I realized that the LORD was teaching me a lesson. This man was a pastor…he was feeding the flock…and Judy was eating and being filled.
The LORD said, “What about the babies?” “They can’t eat the grain or the hay,” I said. “They nurse their mothers…like Judy with her babies.” The LORD said, “You are a Judy.” You eat the meat. You chew and chew..digesting…and nurturing with the milk. Then, you teach the baby to eat the hay…at first it is so bad…they keep trying to bypass the hay and get to the Mama for milk. She has to kick…to push them away…to cause them to have to eat the hay and the grain…to be able to fend for themselves.
Enlightenment!! So illumined in the Truth of it all! I wasn’t the shepherd, but the Mama…the older woman…teaching the younger woman…
God is soooo good! Ask and He shall give it to you! Seek and ye shall find! Knock and it shall be opened to you! For everyone that asketh..receiveth; and he who seeketh …findeth..and to him that shall be opened!!
Love to all!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Precious in the Sight of the LORD is the death of His Saints
How different we are than God! How very different earth is than Heaven!
As we see things from we..I mean mere mortals...we adapt ourselves...from birth until death...identifying with earth. We know that we were created from earth...and that when we die these bodies return to the least they would if not so mummified. Dirt to dirt...dust to dust! I suppose that it's reasonable to do what we do...I mean it is logical...right?
We walk very much by feeling...we use our senses...we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch...we believe in the tangible. What we see is what we get! Seeing is believing! Right? Isn't that where we live most of the time? We wake up...go through our day...taking things as they in and day out...mostly the same each week. I mean, we have our schedules...Mon-Fri...right? And, then, TGIF! We also have our weekend schedules. One Monday is very much the same as the next Monday! One Saturday like the next...even our Sundays. We like patterns...familiarity..few of us like change of any kind. We are set in our ways...pretty much.
Then, something happens, a friend or family member gets very sick...and though the fight is great and fought courageously...the loved one dies. We have many questions! Why him and not me? Why him and not someone I don't know and love? Why did another I know make it, and he did not? How could a loving God let this happen? Didn't God see that he is young and had his whole life ahead of him? Didn't He see that he has a wife and 2 very young children? and parents? and siblings? and friends? who all love him? Didn't we rally around him and love him and encourage him enough? Why did we not see a miracle here?
I have been carrying a heaviness for several days. I came home from a Christmas vacation to a house that I've lived in with husband for 31 years. I raised my sons here and enjoy my grandgirls here often. All the lighted Christmas houses and church that were given to me as Christmas at a my Mama who went to be with the LORD this year...were demolished...purposefully crashed to smitherines. As we cleaned up all the ornaments..many destroyed...and saw many dated keepsakes shattered..the blessings became clearlly one was hurt..and all the nativities and angels were in example of Ps. 91.
This coupled with my bff and her hubby splitting..actually they are our bff couple of all time...presented some somberness (is this a word? if not, it should be..) to the festivities. I left my FLA pink house a day early, returning to the mess here, and leaving that mess behind. Obviously, the heaviness on me was as much or more for the break up of dear friends. We were taken by ambush here...not expecting this news at all.
The goodness of God appeared throughout the whole sons, daughters in-law, granddaughters, and my hubby were all so much more loving. I have more than one love language...words of affirmation and time and touch... not sure which is the strongest. These events brought out much of all three of them for me...I felt covered and coated with LOVE! I could feel my sons' protection and affection...all different but all for real...and I could feel/sense a deeper bond/affection with my hubby of 42 years. Such growth! Such maturity in this family God has given me! As Mary, I was hiding these gems in my heart...
Today, I specifically named a young man near my sons' age...a dear friend of my nieces..who has had lymphoma for a year...during our prayer time. Many times have we prayed for this family as we've remained updated as he has fought the fight! I have been moved over and over by the words of my nieces...Beka and they have been called on to grow in discipline and discipleship ..this year. Watching them from here...praying with...trying to shoulder this burden they were helping their friend bear! David had returned home...under hospice care several days ago...and on New Years' his wife, Lisa, has written her last response on their website. This AM, about an hour before we asked for prayer for all of the family and friends...he had left this eartly temple...this body that had been ravaged with cancer...and he took on his glorified body! Immediately! in the twinkling of an fact!! To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD!!
There's no question about whether David is healed now. He's healed forever! There's no sickness or sadness or death where he is now. He's joined my beloved loved ones who are waiting on us. This year there have been many people who have been healed .. raised up here in the proclaim the mighty works of our LORD. There have also been ones who have been raised up in heaven...healed forever! We've seen several cases of twins..with one raise here and one raised in Heaven. We on earth don't see the big plan...we don't understand why some are born to die...I mean they are birthed in earth...and go on to be with the LORD before they leave the hospital...or they do not make it to birth..only a few weeks, or months old...and leave the womb for Heaven.
A younger me would be so disappointed in me when someone the LORD had me pray for died. I can remember saying, "Will you please let someone else go pray...and lay hands on the doesn't work when I do it." Such a young one in the LORD I was! I did not see the big picture! I remember when the LORD revealed to me that it was not about me...I had nothing to do with whether the person was raised here or in Heaven..whether they lived or was up to HIM!!! How relieved I was...and still am...that their healing has nothing to do with me. My part is obedience! It's like salvation! It's not up to me whether a person receives salvation when I share the is up to me to go ye therefore into all the world!
God is good all the time! Knowing that up front as I do now in this older time in my life...having tested, tried, and proved my LORD...over and over and over...I can attest with no apology to the fact that He is Pistos...Faithful...and True...always and forever! He will never leave us or forsake us! I don't always understand...I try to comfort others...but I don't know why some live to be over 100 and others die before they are born...I don't know why some daddy's die when children are so young...while some do when their children are older...
I've seen young widows and older widows...and I believe that if you are one with your spouse...your wife or the Word says we should be...that the grief is deep no matter the age. My dear friends, who are my age and lost their husbands...they've all grieved deeply .. even though they've had grown children. I know my Mama grieved much over my Daddy...and they were married almost 65 years...and had 4 grown daughters with grown 16 grown grandchildren..many great grands.
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints! The greatest miracle of all in any scenario is the fact that the one who has died is saved! All of the saved ...all of the LORD's children...His body...His bride...are saints! Today, the angels were shouting! All of Heaven was cheering because one of the LORD's special sheep...His Home!!!
Glory to God in the Highest! We are the called..the believing...the saints in the earth. We are united Jesus prayed in the Garden. We are one as He and His Father are one! What a team of prayer warriors David has! Notice I don't say had because our job is not over! We are still praying for all that God has begun in David's life! Lisa is here with his mother, his brother and other family members, and his chldren...and all of his friends. All of the wonderful ones who have raised money, cooked food, given platelets...all who have been brought together to participate in God's plan here. David was saved during this episode with we can't discount the preciousness of what happened here. Others have come to know our Jesus through this bout with cancer.
It's not over..because we are to pray in agreement that none perish but all come to repentence. We must be in agreement that none lose their faith here. God did not let us down. God has been God! I'm glad it's Him that is in charge and not me because I would leave someone out. Our Father is rejoicing with His precious David. We are told that we have the mind of Christ! Let us allow ourselves to think God's truth. Precious in His sight is David's death. Paul has told us that we who believe simply sleep...our story is not over...our bodies will rise at the coming of the LORD..joining our spirit who is with Jesus as soon as it leaves the body.
Thank You, LORD, for Your Word that comforts and sustains us through it all!
As we see things from we..I mean mere mortals...we adapt ourselves...from birth until death...identifying with earth. We know that we were created from earth...and that when we die these bodies return to the least they would if not so mummified. Dirt to dirt...dust to dust! I suppose that it's reasonable to do what we do...I mean it is logical...right?
We walk very much by feeling...we use our senses...we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch...we believe in the tangible. What we see is what we get! Seeing is believing! Right? Isn't that where we live most of the time? We wake up...go through our day...taking things as they in and day out...mostly the same each week. I mean, we have our schedules...Mon-Fri...right? And, then, TGIF! We also have our weekend schedules. One Monday is very much the same as the next Monday! One Saturday like the next...even our Sundays. We like patterns...familiarity..few of us like change of any kind. We are set in our ways...pretty much.
Then, something happens, a friend or family member gets very sick...and though the fight is great and fought courageously...the loved one dies. We have many questions! Why him and not me? Why him and not someone I don't know and love? Why did another I know make it, and he did not? How could a loving God let this happen? Didn't God see that he is young and had his whole life ahead of him? Didn't He see that he has a wife and 2 very young children? and parents? and siblings? and friends? who all love him? Didn't we rally around him and love him and encourage him enough? Why did we not see a miracle here?
I have been carrying a heaviness for several days. I came home from a Christmas vacation to a house that I've lived in with husband for 31 years. I raised my sons here and enjoy my grandgirls here often. All the lighted Christmas houses and church that were given to me as Christmas at a my Mama who went to be with the LORD this year...were demolished...purposefully crashed to smitherines. As we cleaned up all the ornaments..many destroyed...and saw many dated keepsakes shattered..the blessings became clearlly one was hurt..and all the nativities and angels were in example of Ps. 91.
This coupled with my bff and her hubby splitting..actually they are our bff couple of all time...presented some somberness (is this a word? if not, it should be..) to the festivities. I left my FLA pink house a day early, returning to the mess here, and leaving that mess behind. Obviously, the heaviness on me was as much or more for the break up of dear friends. We were taken by ambush here...not expecting this news at all.
The goodness of God appeared throughout the whole sons, daughters in-law, granddaughters, and my hubby were all so much more loving. I have more than one love language...words of affirmation and time and touch... not sure which is the strongest. These events brought out much of all three of them for me...I felt covered and coated with LOVE! I could feel my sons' protection and affection...all different but all for real...and I could feel/sense a deeper bond/affection with my hubby of 42 years. Such growth! Such maturity in this family God has given me! As Mary, I was hiding these gems in my heart...
Today, I specifically named a young man near my sons' age...a dear friend of my nieces..who has had lymphoma for a year...during our prayer time. Many times have we prayed for this family as we've remained updated as he has fought the fight! I have been moved over and over by the words of my nieces...Beka and they have been called on to grow in discipline and discipleship ..this year. Watching them from here...praying with...trying to shoulder this burden they were helping their friend bear! David had returned home...under hospice care several days ago...and on New Years' his wife, Lisa, has written her last response on their website. This AM, about an hour before we asked for prayer for all of the family and friends...he had left this eartly temple...this body that had been ravaged with cancer...and he took on his glorified body! Immediately! in the twinkling of an fact!! To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD!!
There's no question about whether David is healed now. He's healed forever! There's no sickness or sadness or death where he is now. He's joined my beloved loved ones who are waiting on us. This year there have been many people who have been healed .. raised up here in the proclaim the mighty works of our LORD. There have also been ones who have been raised up in heaven...healed forever! We've seen several cases of twins..with one raise here and one raised in Heaven. We on earth don't see the big plan...we don't understand why some are born to die...I mean they are birthed in earth...and go on to be with the LORD before they leave the hospital...or they do not make it to birth..only a few weeks, or months old...and leave the womb for Heaven.
A younger me would be so disappointed in me when someone the LORD had me pray for died. I can remember saying, "Will you please let someone else go pray...and lay hands on the doesn't work when I do it." Such a young one in the LORD I was! I did not see the big picture! I remember when the LORD revealed to me that it was not about me...I had nothing to do with whether the person was raised here or in Heaven..whether they lived or was up to HIM!!! How relieved I was...and still am...that their healing has nothing to do with me. My part is obedience! It's like salvation! It's not up to me whether a person receives salvation when I share the is up to me to go ye therefore into all the world!
God is good all the time! Knowing that up front as I do now in this older time in my life...having tested, tried, and proved my LORD...over and over and over...I can attest with no apology to the fact that He is Pistos...Faithful...and True...always and forever! He will never leave us or forsake us! I don't always understand...I try to comfort others...but I don't know why some live to be over 100 and others die before they are born...I don't know why some daddy's die when children are so young...while some do when their children are older...
I've seen young widows and older widows...and I believe that if you are one with your spouse...your wife or the Word says we should be...that the grief is deep no matter the age. My dear friends, who are my age and lost their husbands...they've all grieved deeply .. even though they've had grown children. I know my Mama grieved much over my Daddy...and they were married almost 65 years...and had 4 grown daughters with grown 16 grown grandchildren..many great grands.
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints! The greatest miracle of all in any scenario is the fact that the one who has died is saved! All of the saved ...all of the LORD's children...His body...His bride...are saints! Today, the angels were shouting! All of Heaven was cheering because one of the LORD's special sheep...His Home!!!
Glory to God in the Highest! We are the called..the believing...the saints in the earth. We are united Jesus prayed in the Garden. We are one as He and His Father are one! What a team of prayer warriors David has! Notice I don't say had because our job is not over! We are still praying for all that God has begun in David's life! Lisa is here with his mother, his brother and other family members, and his chldren...and all of his friends. All of the wonderful ones who have raised money, cooked food, given platelets...all who have been brought together to participate in God's plan here. David was saved during this episode with we can't discount the preciousness of what happened here. Others have come to know our Jesus through this bout with cancer.
It's not over..because we are to pray in agreement that none perish but all come to repentence. We must be in agreement that none lose their faith here. God did not let us down. God has been God! I'm glad it's Him that is in charge and not me because I would leave someone out. Our Father is rejoicing with His precious David. We are told that we have the mind of Christ! Let us allow ourselves to think God's truth. Precious in His sight is David's death. Paul has told us that we who believe simply sleep...our story is not over...our bodies will rise at the coming of the LORD..joining our spirit who is with Jesus as soon as it leaves the body.
Thank You, LORD, for Your Word that comforts and sustains us through it all!
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