Prayer Blanket

Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dreamin' Again...

I am not a dreamer...I have seldom dreamed throughout all my life...and I will be 63 tomorrow.

Most of the few dreams that I've had made no sense when I awakened...only a few have I ever remembered.

I've dreamed...or seen pictures...some might call visions...but I write...and I taught Language Arts for many I think in analogies...word pictures...and teach making connections so students can understand.

I love the parables in the Bible.  I love that Jesus taught that way...and it may just be Him in me teaching and thinking like I do...

I was reminded of the last dream that I had...and I remembered writing about I'm placing the link to the last dream right here:
(right click on the address and then scroll down and click on to open)

The dream caused me to wake up three, maybe more, times...because I'm speaking loudly...even shouting...

I'm outside and I'm trying to gain the attention of a number of people.  They don't seem to be paying any attention to what I have to say.

It's not like a yard or a small place...but a massive expanse of outside...not meadows...or mountains...or desert...but not the a wilderness? or some such...

I do not have a I'm shouting...

I can tell that I'm feeling some anxiety come over me...feeling a bit frantic...that I have this message...or warning maybe...but no one is tuned in it appears.

I wake myself up with my loud voice...I am preaching!!!

The last dream...I was the teacher and messenger...

This time...I'm the preacher.

I realize that I'm hearing myself not be concerned that they all aren't paying attention...I begin to realize that I'm preaching whether anyone listens or not...

I'm preaching repentance!!

I hear me saying that it is not ok to hear the look like you're on the path...and then go home and sleep with someone you are not married to...

Or you can't cheat or take something not yours...both are stealing...

I began to sing a song the LORD gave me a long time ago!

Repent! Repent! the Kingdom of God is at hand!
Repent! Repent! the Kingdom of God is at hand!
Sound the trumpet!
Sound the trumpet!

I sang it over and over...

And...I could hear the song I love to hear Judy Jacob sing, The Days of Elijah!

The part that says, "...We are the laborers in Your vineyard, declaring the Word of the LORD!!

I was standing in the spirit of John the Baptist...and knew the dream!

I was preparing the way...I was saying Behold He Comes!!!

I'm not sure that I've written it all...not sure that was know that I got up just after 4:30 a.m. because the I in my dream wasn't letting me sleep.

Last night, someone said to me...Mama Teddi or Aunt Teddi they call me on the Womenwho Pray page on facebook.

She said, "God has sent you to be the light of our world."  I said, "Yes, we are lights, reflecting His light...and we must fan our flame that it not only not go out...but that it be so bright that all come to Him.."

I'm sort of sleepy today...going out to celebrate my birthday with my family husband, sons, and their girls...4:30 is early even for I arise daily at 5 a.m.

I was amazed that I may have been loud enough to wake myself up...but by the third time, it was easier for the me in the dream to preach the coming of the LORD...

I was preaching repentance like John recorded John the Baptist doing...

I was telling people how to to have works for repentance...

I pray that you prepare to meet our God!

He's coming soon!!
