Prayer Blanket

Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Bell Tolls for Us!!! Get Ready America!!!

Really thinking tonight...conversing with husband of almost 44 years...hearing his concerns and disgust for what is going on in this nation....and just being still and knowing that my God is God!

This is a Selah moment for me! Remember how many times during the Psalms, the Psalmist would write selah?  Selah means to pause...and to meditate.  Reflection is what we say, today.

As a retired teacher, who taught American History, and as an active voter and one that believed in experiencing the 1st amendment firsthand!

I lobbied the Georgia General Assembly during hte battle over the Equal Rights' Amendment, and I debated the abortion issue more than once, standing for the rights of our unborn citizens.

I was raised by parents who changed from voting only as a democrat to voting for the person who stood on the issues that Christians have to defend.

I voted first at 18 years old, and I have continued to exercise that right!  I believe that I must vote, so I must know where each candidate stands on the issues.

That makes me an informed voter.

I vote for a pro-life, I do not vote for a pro-choice candidate.  I vote for a person that believes in Holy Matrimony...that marriage can only take place between a woman and a order that they are able to multiply and subdue the earth.

I know what socialism is and fascism and communism.  I also know capitalism and the free-market system.  

Socialism is when the government owns the busnesses and controls them.  Communism and Socialism are actually interchangeable or else the U.S.S.R. would not have been the name of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Fascism is when business is privately owned but government run.  For years now, we have leaned in that direction with all the government rules concerning private enterprize.

Lately, banks being government-run...where to buy a house we make a bid...instead of an offer to an owner...we are very near to socialism.

We planned well together to be prepared when we retired.  We have been very blessed not to be under the oppression that so many our age are under today.

Though, blessed, we've been very busy...invested in the success of our children and, it would be easy to just sigh and not speak out here...but I'm hearing the bell tolling...

Wednesday, the Benghazi hearings will be back in our faces! We can ignore these hearings...but we'd better not.

You know, I'm 63 years old, and I was appalled at the fact that our president, Bill Clinton, was involved in some questionable business adventures before he was elected, and that he had sexual relations in the Oval Office with a young woman that worked for him.

For this behavior, this nation almost impeached this man!

Years before this, Watergate took place.  I was so young my early 20's...1971-72sh.  I liked Richard Nixon, and I believed him.  I listened to that South Carolina Senator, Sam Irvin, as he led that hearing.

They crucified Nixon.  The Media did their job.  They reported every single thing that happened.  Many were involved and prosecuted.  One went to prison, and he served his time...never giving testimony against his commander in chief.

Years later I taught students about Watergate.

That was a different time in this nation.  We had honest reporting.  We had true journalism.

After teaching American History for several years, I changed schools, and my 1st class was journalism.  One of the rules of journalism is that you do not have an opinion.  Reporting only facts...only evidence...and never being persuaded to taint the fabricate...embellish the facts...or just plain lie.

We are in a new age of reporting, today.

What is today called the Benghazi actually the treacherous murder of a U.S. ambassador to Benghazi and three of our U.S. military.

There was a cry for fact, there were cries for help and communication that was not attended to properly, that caused the deaths...and what looks like a cover-up of information.

Now, folks...American citizens...we deserve better than this.  So many have died and been maimed in order to keep this a nation of the free and the brave.

We have required truth to be served always!! We believe in justice!!!

It is very interesting to me that Hillary Clinton is the woman, the Secretary of State...and appointed by our president, Barak Obama, to this position...that needs to answer many questions...and needs to answer them honestly.

Ms. Clinton is actually considering her run for office in our next election.

She is the wife of the man who was nearly impeached by our Senate in the nineties.  The woman who made up the story about the video answered directly to Ms. Clinton.

Our president, who defeated Ms, Clinton, in the Democratic Primary, appointed her to Secretary of State, and he did not call her to account ...and the media has not called him to account.

If we, the citizens of the the greatest nation in the world...and I don't mean we are great because we are some special breed...I mean we are great because we have a great God and a great Constitution that I believe in...the law of our land!

I taught students about Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists.  I also taught them about Thomas Jefferson. These 2 men did not believe alike.

The Federalists actually wanted George Washington to be a king, even though we had fought the Revolutionary War, in order to no be a under the rule of one man.  The sons of liberty and the tea party...with Sam Adams, and his cousin John Adams...our 2nd president.

Those of Hamilton's persuasion didn't think that anyone should be allowed to speak out against the president of he United States, while the freedom riders...and the tea partiers...and the sons of liberty...and the daughters of the revolution...they believed in the freedom of speech...which by the way still is part of our 1st amendment rights...right along with the freedom of the press to speak the truth whether the administration likes it or not.

Today, in this era of greed and lasciviousness, quite frankly, America is experiencing a time much like the time 1st sons of liberty and the 1st tea party.  Funny that I am saying those names more than once...but isn't it ironic to live in such a repeat of history.

I mean there might not be tea being pored out in the Massachusetts bay, as it was in the 1770's, but the time we live in is certainly analogous to that time period.

We are taxed to death in the United States!! It's true that there are nations taxed much more than us, but it doesn't change the fact that our taxes are increasing even though we are being told they are not.

The value of our homes have been reduced to a point that many American citizens...good, law-abiding citizens, who in good faith bought their homes...spending much money...are now experiencing  great loss...and for what?

Because our government ...our executive branch...and our legislative branch...and our judicial system...have decided that the rich are our enemy.  How crazy is that?

Without the bright vision and the money to build great businesses...without the vision and the funds to allow the vision to be accomplished...where would we be?

I believe that the rich in this nation are the givers.  They build great companies, and they provide jobs, and they pay their employees salaries.

Everyone can't be the boss!  We are not all the same.  As a teacher, I knew that I would have children prodigies in my class...that I would teach children the basics...and they would go on to be the professionals.

There was no envying and wanting to teach only the children with high IQ's or low IQ's or only the middle...I loved that I had those who would do their best regardless of what mental capacity they had.  Of course, there were always those who didn't use what they had in all 3 categories.

It takes us all to make the world go round! We can't all do the same thing!

Taxing the people that provide the jobs and the benefits so high that they have to lower the salaries...or hire less people...or provide less benefits...or all of the 3 things listed here...does that sound like a better way?

I know that if we level it all out...and we make us all own everything, then,  none of us will own anything...just like the Communist Bloc countries that existed during most of my life...until 1989-1991.

I am sounding this alarm today...tonight actually as I go to bed in a few minutes...

Watchmen...prayer warriors on your wall!!!

Pray for justice to prevail in these hearings!!!

Speak out loud and clear...that there is no one above the Constitution of this great land!!!

Not our Secretary of State!! Not our Senators!!! Not our Congressmen!! Not our Judges and Justices!!! Not our Governors!!! Not our President!!!

In Jesus' Name...

Amen and Amen