Today was the fourth day with snow on the ground, and for us who live in Metro Atlanta, it is not the norm during the winter. I've listened to all the voices around me, as we've gone from enjoying the wonder of the beauty of snow and enjoyed playing in it being extremely stir crazy, doing without our mail and garbage pick-up -- things we do indeed take for granted. Unusual for this area, the temperatures have remained very cold and the melting snow and ice today has refrozen and there was more slipping and sliding today than yesterday.
As all this unfolds I am reminded of the first words I heard when the snow first blanketed us. Be still and know that I AM God. God is still on His throne, and all is right with the world. As the voices have changed from voices of wonder to voices of complaint and unrest, I hear the Lord say,
"Just like Israel. After I answer their prayers, they mumble and complain. Did you not say, I need more time with my family. I need time to clean my house. I need time to read a book. I don't have time to pray. I don't have time to study my Bible." Have I not heard you and answered your prayer? Have I not given you four days, and many of you have tomorrow -- 5 days. Five is the number of grace! Grace to you, my children. You ask, and I answer..and you still murmur and complain."

He that has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.
Father, Thank You for time. Forgive us for complaining about Your answers to our prayers. Help us to recognize Your answers as just that -- Your answers to our prayers. Help us not to waste the blessings You have given us. In Jesus' precious Name, amen. From Emily.
In the name of precious time and Emily's prayer, let me hop off the computer and tend to my time and margin.
Love you!!
thank you Teddi for are so right my friend. 5 days of precious time with God and family. Well we have 3 more days left before we return to school so I plan on using my 3 more days wisely and it will include quiet time with my Lord. What a great a wonderful message....yes be still and you - Sherry K.
Wow! When you are under the anointing of God, we recognize Him as He speaks to us; quieting our anxiety; encouraging us and speaking peace to our souls. Yes, each minute of our days is a precious gift of God. Some days are better than others but each day is very precious and as we "take time" to make memories, we give ourselves the pleasure of looking back and enjoying those moments again and again. Love you dear sister, Gloria
I love your writing
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