Prayer Blanket

Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ask Means What Lord????

After studying a while one night, only a few weeks after Franklin was born, I found in my Strong’s Concordance that the Greek word for Ask was aiteo (pronounced ahee-the’), which means “a demand of what is due.”  In other words, when God’s Word says, “Ask anything in my name, and I will do it,” it means to “demand what is due.”  Boy, was that heavy!  In my church and in my denomination, that was close to blasphemy or heresy.  I mean, “to demand of God” was unheard of! 

Finally, about midnight, I went to bed, saying, 

“O.K., Lord.  You’ve got to reveal this to me! I’m very confused.  I know that if your Word says to demand what is due, that it means what it says, because I believe that the whole Word is Truth!  But, Lord, ‘to demand of you’!”

               Illustrations by Beth Switzer in Teddi's book,
                       The Inner Woman of the Heart
 About 2:30 a.m., my precious baby, who was screaming at the top of his lungs, awakened me.  As I leaned over to pick him up, I heard my Lord say,

 “Teddi, Franklin is demanding what is due!  He is your child, and he is hungry.  Does that make you angry?”

I answered, “Of course not, Lord.”

He said, “Neither does it make me angry when you demand what is already yours from me.  You are my child just as Franklin is your child, and, it is my responsibility to supply all your needs, just as it is your responsibility to supply all of Franklin’s needs. 

I have equipped you to meet your children’s needs, just as I AM equipped to meet all your needs.”

Another illustration by Beth Switzer from Teddi's book, 
 The Inner Woman of the Heart

   Wow! What a revelation!  The next day He continued 
   to explain to me that when my older sons, Timothy 
   (11½) and Ted (8), say, “I’m hungry, what’s for
   dinner?” that I was wrong to feel anger or 
   resentment. They are only demanding what is due
   It is my responsibility as their parent to supply their

 In fact, He said, “Meet all your children’s needs but only give them the desires that will not hurt them. I mean that as you delight in my WORD, I will place my desires in your heart.  So, as your children learn the WORD, I will place my desires in their hearts.”

I said, “Lord, what if I can’t meet their needs right then when they ask me?”
The Lord said, “I do not ask you to do anything that I have not first equipped you to do, or provided the means for you to do it.  Your children’s needs are your needs, and I shall supply all your needs by my riches in glory just so long as you obey my WORD.”



Penny Villers said...

Teddi, Your widom is with out measure. God has supply you with words to help other. Concern of HIS people show your love for Jesus, I truely enjoy your writing. It seem like you look inside of me and know how I feel. Thank you for this uplifting blog and all others.Take care and God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Teddi do you bath in the WORD!? You are a Awesome woman of GOD! This is wonderful I needed this.

New Walk said...

Teddi, I'm with Ms. Anonymous above. This is right when I needed it. Thank You, Lord, on time God, for Your Word. Help us carry this Word-Picture and this Picture drawn by Teddi's sister Beth with us, meditating on it/them as we go, so we don't forget this treasure/weapon You've given us. Your Word slays the enemy! Thank You for slaying doubt and unbelief concerning Your provisions for us. Thank You, Father, In Jesus' Name. Amen

Teddi said...

It is so wonderful that God would give me this truth 25 years ago -- or more -- book was published in 1984. If I'm ever wondering...He says look at the Lili in the field...and how much more He loves me! Jehovah-Jireh -- our provider!! Amen and Amen.

kelly said...

thank you for this and i am going to use this to my daily needs. i really really needed to hear these words of God and the timing is perfect. What a great teacher and inspirer you are!

Rebekah said...

I love your blog. Your clarity and reverence to God's voice is inspiring. Very inspiring.
I love you!