Prayer Blanket

Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dreamin' Again...

I am not a dreamer...I have seldom dreamed throughout all my life...and I will be 63 tomorrow.

Most of the few dreams that I've had made no sense when I awakened...only a few have I ever remembered.

I've dreamed...or seen pictures...some might call visions...but I write...and I taught Language Arts for many I think in analogies...word pictures...and teach making connections so students can understand.

I love the parables in the Bible.  I love that Jesus taught that way...and it may just be Him in me teaching and thinking like I do...

I was reminded of the last dream that I had...and I remembered writing about I'm placing the link to the last dream right here:
(right click on the address and then scroll down and click on to open)

The dream caused me to wake up three, maybe more, times...because I'm speaking loudly...even shouting...

I'm outside and I'm trying to gain the attention of a number of people.  They don't seem to be paying any attention to what I have to say.

It's not like a yard or a small place...but a massive expanse of outside...not meadows...or mountains...or desert...but not the a wilderness? or some such...

I do not have a I'm shouting...

I can tell that I'm feeling some anxiety come over me...feeling a bit frantic...that I have this message...or warning maybe...but no one is tuned in it appears.

I wake myself up with my loud voice...I am preaching!!!

The last dream...I was the teacher and messenger...

This time...I'm the preacher.

I realize that I'm hearing myself not be concerned that they all aren't paying attention...I begin to realize that I'm preaching whether anyone listens or not...

I'm preaching repentance!!

I hear me saying that it is not ok to hear the look like you're on the path...and then go home and sleep with someone you are not married to...

Or you can't cheat or take something not yours...both are stealing...

I began to sing a song the LORD gave me a long time ago!

Repent! Repent! the Kingdom of God is at hand!
Repent! Repent! the Kingdom of God is at hand!
Sound the trumpet!
Sound the trumpet!

I sang it over and over...

And...I could hear the song I love to hear Judy Jacob sing, The Days of Elijah!

The part that says, "...We are the laborers in Your vineyard, declaring the Word of the LORD!!

I was standing in the spirit of John the Baptist...and knew the dream!

I was preparing the way...I was saying Behold He Comes!!!

I'm not sure that I've written it all...not sure that was know that I got up just after 4:30 a.m. because the I in my dream wasn't letting me sleep.

Last night, someone said to me...Mama Teddi or Aunt Teddi they call me on the Womenwho Pray page on facebook.

She said, "God has sent you to be the light of our world."  I said, "Yes, we are lights, reflecting His light...and we must fan our flame that it not only not go out...but that it be so bright that all come to Him.."

I'm sort of sleepy today...going out to celebrate my birthday with my family husband, sons, and their girls...4:30 is early even for I arise daily at 5 a.m.

I was amazed that I may have been loud enough to wake myself up...but by the third time, it was easier for the me in the dream to preach the coming of the LORD...

I was preaching repentance like John recorded John the Baptist doing...

I was telling people how to to have works for repentance...

I pray that you prepare to meet our God!

He's coming soon!!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Eleventh Hour

Last year...about this time of year...or maybe a little earlier...I wrote to you about the coming year...2012.

I let you know that I am not Mayan, and I was not concerned about any Mayan prophecy about the year 2012.

I did let you know, however, that the number 12 is the number of divine order in Biblical terms.

It is also one of the numbers of perfection or wholeness.

On October 24...10/24/ friend, sister in Christ, and prayer warrior partner every day pointed out to me that we were praying Thursday's Prayer Blanket Day...our warfare prayer day of the week...and, we were praying Psalm 144...a warfare Psalm 144...12 X 12.

She did not know all it meant, but she knew that the LORD pointed out a lot of 12's.  Ten also is one of those numbers of perfection and completion like 3 and 7.

Here's a link for that Numbers book on line...http://philologos.org_/eb-nis/...Number in Scripture: Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance.

I was given the book as a gift years ago...and every once in awhile...I am aware that a number I'm looking at is very important.

Well, today, during our daily praise and prayer time in the every day occurrence for soon to be 10 full years in June...the number 11 was every where.

The date is November 11...or 11/11/2012.

Also, for the 1st time since we began praying together in June of 2003, today's Psalm and Proverb were both the 11th chapter of each book.

11 In the Lord I put my trust;
How can you say to my soul,
“Flee as a bird to your mountain”?
For look! The wicked bend their bow,

They make ready their arrow on the string,
That they may shoot secretly at the upright in heart.

If the foundations are destroyed,
What can the righteous do?

The Lord is in His holy temple,
The Lord’s throne is in heaven;
His eyes behold,
His eyelids test the sons of men.
The Lord tests the righteous,

But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.
Upon the wicked He will rain coals;
Fire and brimstone and a burning wind
Shall be the portion of their cup.

For the Lord is righteous,
He loves righteousness;
His countenance beholds the upright.

This got my attention for real!!! I mean, I'm one who sees the foundations of my nation being destroyed...I'm in the secret place ...looking down on my sinful nation...

I can hear the voice of the prophets throughout the Old Testament...saying to Israel..."you sinned...I allowed you to be in cried out...I sinned...I allowed the cried out...I delivered...then, you cried out and I did not hear...

Sound familiar? I hear the same voice of God...who has been speaking to me at least 30 years...and so many before me...and about me...We hear the voice of our Shepherd...and He has not changed...

We're about to enter the year...2013...

We're at the end of least very near the end...but today, the LORD, speaks in 11's...

Proverbs 11 is full and let me show you just a little that jumps out with me...especially after reading Psalm 11...

Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.
The righteousness of the upright will deliver them, but the unfaithful will be caught by their lust.
8 The righteous is delivered from trouble, and it comes to the wicked instead.

12 He who is devoid of wisdom despises his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his peace.
13 A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter.
14 Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
17 The merciful man does good for his own soul, but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh
23 The desire of the righteous is only good, but the expectation of the wicked is wrath.
25 The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.
27 He who earnestly seeks good finds favor, but trouble will come to him who seeks evil.
28 He who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like foliage
.30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
31 If the righteous will be recompensed on the earth, how much more the ungodly and the sinner.

I told you it was full, and I only used 13 of the 31 verses...loaded with Truth!

It may sound like I'm running a rabbit trail...but I'm not! The LORD has been reminding me just about daily in the last couple of weeks...1 Corinthians 13: 5, says, Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil...

When I've had my feeling hurt with one of my sons...or my husband...or a friend...I've heard the Word in my heart speak...Love thinks no evil!

If you'd been having a Bible Study called Loving the LORD With All Your Mind, by Elizabeth George, you would have been studying Philippians 4:8, which says, 

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthymeditate on these things.

Teddi, does this mean, that when I'm hurt, or disappointed, or licking my wounds, then, I'm not meditating on these things and, therefore, thinking evil!??!

Let me return to my morning...I left the prayer group...knowing a couple of things that I haven't mentioned...yet...

It turns out that the number 11 means the one more than the perfect 10 and one less than the perfect 12...and where 12 is completion and order...11 is the is disorder...and chaotic even...the book refers to all the 11's in the Bible just like the 10's and 12's...

So, this morning...and well, today is the 11th hour.  It is the 11th day of the 11th month in the year of divine order.  

To me that means that I've been reminded that if there's any ordering I need to take care of before 2013 gets here, then, it's time to do it!! Not to talk about it!! Not to think about it!! Not to hide my head in the sand...but to do it!

Now, that's where I was, when 2 that I prayed with this very morning sent me the Bible Verse for today that they receive...and it is of course, an 11.

Duh??????  Helllooooo!!!!!! Teddi, if you weren't listening already...if you didn't already intend to meditate on Psalm and Proverbs 11 today...then, here is another 11!  One of my favorites!!!

Hebrews 11:1:

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

This is where I was until 8:30 a.m.

Being under the weather as I've been lately, I was home watching Joel Osteen...a regular for me if I'm here  and not in Church...I am always blessed!

My husband just moves out and lets me have the tv when he comes on...he goes about being busy ...sort of in and out of here...but leaves me to enjoy the message.

Well, today, I'm not sure I enjoyed it at all.  Little did I know that from the moment it started, Joel was talking directly to me...minding my business...digging in deeply with the sword...I had surgery without any anaesthetic...taken totally by surprise.

You see I'm a friend of God!  I mean I spend most of my waking hours each day before Him...certainly reading, writing, praying...remaining in the Secret Place of the Most High!

In fact, those were my words as I left my prayer partners...precious women of God...this morning...I was declaring that I am under the shelter of His wings...abiding...residing...not moving...

This week has been tough...the last several have been...the election this week...flu and upper respiratory mess throughout my family...right after 2 skin cancers removed in the last few weeks...physically drained...

Then, emotional trials...not able to mention here...but the LORD knows...and He knows I've had my feeling hurt...and been disappointed...placing those things away...trying not to meditate on...but when I've discussed at all...feeling sad, disheartened, oh, you name it...pity party all over me.  

I've had some precious prayer partners...who love and respect me and my position as prayer warrior...who've loved on me as they would since I'm their sister...and maybe mentor...but we're family...

But, this allowed me to hold iniquity in my heart!  Not their fault...who would have known...not me for sure...

LORD, it was me that declared I'd not move from this spot of protection...declared Arise, Shine, for the Light is Come...even this morning...

And, Your glorious light just about burned me up this morning...

I saw that I had not shown mercy every every thought about these circumstances around me!!

You came in and dusted all the cob webs out LORD...You scourged me...until I'm raw inside out...I don't know that anyone on this earth knows what has happened in my heart today...but I do!!! 

You've shown me what Joel said...that I have a choice every time news comes my way that I don't like or am offended douse it with fire or water...

Remember, Proverbs 11: 25, He who waters will also be watered himself...

He who covers the sin...the one who shows mercy!! He will receive mercy!!!

LORD, Matthew and Mark in the last 2-3 weeks, that I'm reading through the Bible with spoke of the parable of the King showing mercy to his servant...and in turn the servant did not show mercy to his own servant...the King tormented him afterward until he paid all his debt.

I thought I was merciful...because I wasn't saying anything...keeping my mouth shut, I thought...

But, LORD, as You've reminded me to do over and think no meditate on only those things you listed for us.

I told my friends this very morning...that the road is narrower by the the hour...that Galatians 2: 20...that says, We are crucified with Christ!  It's no longer us who live, but Christ lives in us!  And, the life we now live in the flesh...we live by Faith (Hebrews 11: 1) the Son of God...who loves us and gave His life for us.

I knew that I was being drawn closer...and my prayer warrior friend that I talk to every day has talked about shepherding and sheep...and warrior angels...and who knows what else...about being drawn to a newer level...

And as I've cried out and held on...and remained in ...abiding ...staying...

You, LORD, have revealed to me this day that to be in order in this 11th hour for me...I had to lay down...I can't even hardly say the words...

Unforgiveness LORD?? I was holding unforgiveness and didn't know it?  I mean I teach it...I pray it daily...

He was so sweet, y'all!! Last week He made me totally silent as I was first with flu in my body and he let me feel the waves of love...I mean I wrote about it just last week on my

Jesus, lover of my soul...just whelmed me with His love for me!!! 

I could not even talk about it without tears...and with no voice anyway...just wept with the waves of LOVE!!

And, today, He says to me...let it go, Teddi!!! 

I love you soooo much...and your desire is to be in the Secret Place must let it go!!!  

All your hurt from children and friends...hurt feelings and've allowed them to make you sick...physically sick...emotionally sick...and....

I love you so much!!!  I uncovered you today so that you can see that LOVE covers a multitude of sin!

Family, friends, even church family who voted against me...they're all my problem and not yours...

You tell them, Teddi, that love...the love that you felt...covered in these past the love I want you to love them with...

I believe that I am forgiven...not only for the sin I was born in...but for the sins of my tomorrows...

I am sooooo full of God's love that I had to write this today!!!! Not tomorrow!!!! 

I pray you not allow any more hidden unforgivenesses dwell in you either!!!  

We're coming to an end of the year of divine order...

We're entering a year of the unknown...

My husband and I keep looking at each other and saying this is not the nation we were raised in...we've been infiltrated...and there's a new order here...

But thanks be unto God...He is in charge!!!  I will receive the blessings of the righteous because in order for those in the darkness to see me shine...I must allow my LORD JESUS to burn away the dross...

I'm still being refined!!!  He's the potter and I'm the clay!!! 

He's not finished with me yet!!!

I am including a link here for a song that I kept hearing after I heard Joel...and allowed God to create in me a clean heart!  

Judy Jacobs is the one I had heard sing it on a cd I have...but on youtube I found it sung by the one who wrote and 1st performed it.

I pray it blesses you as it did me!!!

Mercy did indeed say NO!!!!!!!  Wooooooo Hoooooo!!!!!!!

Until the next time....



Friday, September 21, 2012

Election of 2012

Really having a rustling in my spirit the last couple of days...may be longer...about all of the chaos...

I believe it is time to get some of these thoughts bear with me...I am only in the roughing out I begin this blog...

There's just a lot going on in my life...what about you?

First, looking at the family scene...and not even going into details...or people's privacy...
  • almost 3 wks ago...2 extremely important people in my life died on the same day, my aunt and my sister's husband...and we had a week of family gathered at funeral homes and funerals...  
  • about 1/1/2 weeks ago I was told the biopsis taken on my arm and thigh at the dermatologist were cancer...I was given options and chose to have removed Mohs procedure...which took place this week on Monday...
  • during the same week...last week...2 grandgirls had strep...2 others had virus...which seemed to go through family nabbing several...anyway...lots of sickness before the procedure, including me...
  • we're all in the aftermath of all that...and I'm awaiting sutures being removed from thigh...and the other place on my arm being removed 
  • aunt who died's son diagnosed with Lou Gueriq's disease...and another son's wife with a new lesion on her femur...more myeloma...and on 2 chemo meds
  • husband busy besides his business...fixing up rental house
  • I've busily filled in where needed for each son's family...making busy week...lots of traveling...but time to think   
Now, that's a very light and un-wordy description ...there was more... but I wanted to preface what I'm writing with the fact that I'm in this world like everyone else and there's a lot of chaos going on around me as well as all of you.  

This writer is not out of the trials and tribulations that are going on in every family.

How do I know everybody is stressed? Well, I have a prayer ministry...and the prayer requests have climbed to an all-time can check me out on womenwho pray...:)

Were we promised a bed of roses? Or, did our LORD through His Word to us say, "Ye shall endure tribulation!!"

Now, the good news is that He said we will endure!!! Glory to God!!! Therefore, let me add right here, this is why we can "count it all joy!!"

To continue with my thoughts…I have been very concerned with the Church...

We are the Church of the Last Days!! We are not the Latter Day Saints, but we are the Church Triumphant and we are in the Last Days!!!

If you do not recognize this, please turn to Matthew 24, where the disciples were asking Jesus what to look for at the end times.

I think it is ironic that I have read this chapter for oh so many years...that I can quote a great deal of it from memory...I certainly know when I hear words from Matthew 24 and 25 that I know their location in the Bible.

Wars??  Rumors of Wars?  Earthquakes?  Perilous times?  Persecution of the saints galore!!! 

What to do? Run around saying there’s a lion in the street…oh my! Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz…lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!

We are told to look up!! Why? Because our redemption draweth nigh!

I’ve heard from several people I know about how they are going to vote or not vote in this election…and, listening to the news…though I must say it is hard to call American news news, anymore…

I taught journalism in middle school one year…and, quite frankly, we don’t have any journalism today, according to its definition…according to its rules…and like all good and orderly things in the United States of America…journalism has rules.

There are things you can do and things you can’t do in journalism…just like there are rules in any real or true meeting…with guidelines like Robert’s Rule of Order.

A journalist has the responsibility to report the facts and only the facts!  They are not to have any persuasive or opinionated argument in their voice at all…not tone.  Isn’t that hilarious?  How long ago has that been?  Since we heard only the facts…the truth…where has integrity gone?

You would think that this new millennium of people…where we don’t need to spell or use cursive writing…or we don’t have to have any manners…any rules of order…any dress codes…any code of conduct…any recognition of authority …that somehow we just got here on our own...

We created ourselves.  We raised ourselves.  We rule ourselves.  Let’s see, I believe that is defined as anarchy??

Now, this is another sign of the last days…Malachi says when we’re running to and fro…Matthew 25 says,…like in the days of Noah…eating and drinking…giving and taking in marriage…and the flood came…and took away those not prepared in the ark with Noah!!

I have to be totally honest here.  Before I was 30, I believed hook, line, and sinker in the fact that I would not be here …during this time.

I taught it to others.  I have had to confess as sin my part in the deception that the Church is not going through trouble!!

I am a believer! I believe that Jesus Christ is LORD and I am saved…and, I am here!!!

I have not left …and for several years the words all about the meek and the righteous inheriting the earth has taken on new light…

I have had to ask God what I am to do, since, I am here, and unless something happens, America is in trouble!! ...and, let’s face it, saints of the Church of America…we have made a mess of our nation!!!!!!!!

It is our fault.  Now, bear with me and hear me out.  Then, comment all you want to…but that is what a Democratic Republic is…in fact Federal Republic is what we are called in many places…but I have the freedom to voice my opinion. 

I do not have the right to hurt you…or to take your rights!  I actually don’t have the right to publicly berate you or stretch the truth about you.  Slander and liability don’t seem to exist anymore. 

My principal in high school taught us: “Your right ends where my nose begins!!”  All of us under Ray Jackson that learned that…have been good, abiding citizens of this great nation.  We were told to register to vote, and I believe most of us do! 

We were taught that voting is a privilege and is our voice in America.  We all have one vote…and should take it seriously. I believe who and what we vote for matters to the LORD.

I am trying to stay focused here and write down what is bothering me…what is stirring up in me…

It has been awhile…back several months ago…that I spoke about about getting ready…that the LORD was returning…and it was time to set thing in order.

After the months of all the republican candidates rising and falling in the media…I made a decision and voted.

There were those who voted the same way and ones who did not…all of us voting for a candidate of the same party…Republican.

I had listened to all the debate.  I had changed my mind more than once. 

I had voiced my support for Herman Cain, and I was very sorry that he was not still a candidate when I voted.  Truly the smear campaign on him was amazing.

You see, Herman is a black man.  I had listened to him via radio for a long time, and I like what he had to say.  I liked the name…Tea Party…as I taught U.S. History…and the Revolutionary War was one of my favorite times to study and to teach…with Samuel Adams and the Sons of Freedom.

Herman is a Christian…not because he says so…but because along with confessing Jesus Christ as LORD,  he is pro-life…he is pro-Israel…pro-family, and pro-America.  My husband and I planned to vote for him.

Living in the south all my life…deep south, in fact…in the Bible belt…and certainly growing up with all of the separation of blacks and whites when I was in grade school…it was amazing that we were going to vote for a black man…at least to people looking on.  I mean my parents grew up in Atlanta, with the white neighborhood and the black one back to back, and no locked doors. I grew up with a maid in my home, who by the way I loved dearly).

When Obama ran for office, I did not vote against him because he was black.  I mean, I’m an educated woman…and I was a teacher in the public school.  His skin color and national origin did not matter to me.

What he believed in his heart did!  Obama was a member of a church, whose preacher preached against America.  He is married to a woman who spoke out against America publicly before the election. 

Our president is pro-abortion and proud of it…has said so many times.  He is not pro-Israel.  Much prayer went up against all the consideration of supporting Palestinian Jerusalem…which he spoke in favor of.  Let’s see Muslim Jerusalem…isn’t that an oxy-moron??

I believe in my Constitution…it is the law of this land.  More than once decisions made by Mr. Obama have shown that he does no support the 1st or 2nd amendment.  How can a Catholic hospital…a religious hospital…be forced to allow abortions in the hospital? According to who?

If that were to come into effect, what would stop our government from making decisions about churches and church schools?  Nothing…that’s what!!

Now, it is not the first time that this nation has had presidents deceive us.  President Carter ran on the fact that he was a Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher.  He deceived many people…some friends of mine.

I was in Texas years ago with a feminist rally going on that had several of the president’s wives on stage condoning some pretty extraordinary behavior going on.  Much of the material that I gathered as I slid behind the lines and went to the meetings said socialism and feminism on the same pages…linking them.

I was president of Mothers On the March a pro-family, pro-life organization and aligned with Phyllis Schlafly.  Many of us were members also of Eagle Forum.  We defeated ERA in 1982…Georgia was one of 4 states that held this back.

What I hear today sounds so much like those days!  What was held back then is on us now.  Trust me…I wish it were not so…but it is.

Back a few months ago, there was a slight mention in the news of a treaty.  My sister sent email to me and posted on her facebook page about it.  I was listening but busy. 

This last week, with our Ambassador and our military being murdered…and then seeing our U.N. delegate defend our lack of outrage…and seeing the U.N. president…I was reminded that our president was in favor of that treaty…don’t remember the name of it right now…

But, Saints of God, do you know that that treaty will supersede the jurisdiction of our nation.  Does this ring in your ear like mine?  Have we heard of a world tribunal…or world court…or one world government. 

So, I guess, I’m going to sort of nail it down for you where I stand….since it seems that that’s what we are doing.

I also want you to know that you do not have to agree with me.  I respect your right to have a different opinion.  I respect your right to put as many signs for your candidate in your yard as you want to.  That’s is what our Nation is about.  We have the freedom to speak…though my niece and I both lost signs that were torn up by people who are not voting for our candidate.  Those people do not believe in the same liberty I do.

I had a hard time at first picking my candidate for the same reasons that some of my very close friends and brothers and sisters in Christ have had…because there is seemingly no candidate to vote for that is a righteous man. Righteousness means right with Christ.  Jesus is his LORD!

As I look back, over all my years…soon to be 63…and on back when my parents voted…there is only one that I felt that way about.  History tells some pretty hair-raising stories of our presidents.

We are not a nation that wants or needs a king.   That’s why we fought for our independence.  I think people have forgot that.

I remember, when I saw Reagan for the first time at a Christian conference in Texas…that the believers wanted him to be…I don’t know…Baptist…Methodist…Pentecostal…Catholic…or??  But, he wasn’t.

I was president of MOM and pregnant with my youngest.  We got behind him because he was pro-Life, pro-Family, pro-Israel, and pro-America. 

I know that Obama says he’s a Christian…like Carter did…but he does not walk the walk or talk the talk.  He speaks socialism…which I taught students and warned against for years before I was a teacher…during the MOM years. When we all share means that we all own everything and no one owns anything. SCARY!!!! U.S.S. R. was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

When he condoned gay marriage…another oxy-moron…he is the only president ever to do so…and, in fact, the only head of any nation to do this! Woe, woe, woe, Saints of God!!

I have had gay friends…I have friends with gay siblings or gay children…I’m not against the person.  However, I am very much against what I know by God’s
Word to be sin to be lifted to the same place as God’s 1st institution…the Family!!!
Male and female created He Him and told them to multiply and subdue the earth.

Let me also say that the platform that our president stands on…the democratic platform…is pro-abortion, anti-Israel, pro-gay marriage, and…this very year…tried to throw out the name of God and Israel. 

Wake up Church!!

As a believer, I recognize that Mormonism is a cult.  That means that they do not believe that Jesus is God.  The WORD says that according to who we say Jesus Christ is…not a prophet or good man…but God, Himself…makes us a believer or not.

I will share some experience here if you’ll bear with me a few more minutes…during the MOM days, we received some criticism from Christians because we did not have a requirement to join MOM.  We had many different denominations, Catholics, and Mormons…all working together to defeat the ERA.

Mormons printed our material more than one time at no cost to us…we were tiny and it only cost people $7 to be a member…and then, printing costs were much higher than today. 

As a pro-life believer and one who puts feet on my beliefs…I’ve had churches, even my own, not let us put out pro-life material from Georgia Right to Life.  Let me say clearly that not only is the material welcome by the Catholic churches as you’d expect, it has always been welcome by the Mormons.

I remember having someone say years ago, if your house was on fire…or if there were snakes in the front yard…would you ask the neighbor that came to help if they were mormon? Or Hindu? Or Muslim? Or????? I think not.

So, in conclusion:

·         I will continue to pray for the salvation of both of these two men because it is not God’s will that any perish but all come to repentance.
·         I will vote because it is a right and a privilege that many nations do not have.  I can vote my heart’s convictions without fear of being shot down or arrested because I live in a free nation where my husband, my son, my father and father in-law, and both grandfathers served this nation.  I have a bff whose son is in now, and my great-nephew is in Afghanistan as I write. My parents and in-laws, and grand-parents are cheering me on. 
·         I am not compromising when I vote  for a man of a different faith than mine.  I’ve known of no Bapti-costals like me running for president. J
·         The LORD told me as I published to you earlier that we are not voting for a man but against the anti-Christ spirit.  I can’t vote for anyone standing on the democratic platform as it is blatantly anti-Christ. God is pro-life…Children are a heritage of the LORD. He created male and female to populate the earth…Israel is the Apple of God’s eye…He has created us equal and given us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
·         I learned many years ago, that if I was not sure about the man or woman, I could be sure about the platform. 
·         The Republican platform is more pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-marriage between a man and woman, pro-Constitution, and pro-God than ever.
·         Mitt Romney is not a Christian but he supports Christian values…he is pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-marriage between a man and woman, and he was a conservative governor.
·         I will vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket proudly.
·         I will respect your choice to vote the same or vote differently.

May the LORD bless you in all that you do in the Name of the LORD!

Until the next time…


Monday, August 13, 2012

Blessed All Over More Than Anywhere Else August 13, 2012

I am so blessed today and must share...

I've been cleaning out my office that is also where my grandgirls keep their babies, furniture, books, and playing school stuff.

My son took out my computer today that no longer works, with keyboard.

I've been going through cd's, running across pictures that I had saved, as well as some newsletters that are really old...

In fact, I found my very first newsletter.  This one would have been one that I mailed out, and is dated April, 2003.

This would be before I began praying the prayer blanket with anyone else.

It is before I became a grandmother.  

I wrote this on my sister's birthday...I was 53 and she turned 52.

May it be a blessing to Jesus' Name...Amen and Amen.

                                                                   April 19, 2003


          I write to you this day because I am on a mission.  The Lord has planted in me a message that I can no longer keep quiet within me.  I have been sent forth to share what we are to do as we await His coming!  I am so thankful – so  honored and awed – that He has chosen me to do this.
          Most of you know me because you are my tent that has been given to me to pray over daily.  You are my Mom, sister, niece, daughterin law, cousin in law, sister in the Lord, and/or friend.  You may even fit more than one position listed.  However, you are related to me, God has placed us together for a great purpose!  We are the end-time gap-standers of the Home!  We are all commissioned to stand in the gap for our homes, and some of us are standing for neighborhoods, cities, states, countries, etc. 
          The Lord has told me to share my story with you first in order that you understand this message.  I am Teddi Lynne Moore Holt.  I am the third daughter of a man named Ted, thus the name Teddi.  Elaine is my mother who raised me in the admonition of the Lord, and I do rise up and call her blessed!  My wonderful Daddy loved me like I was and was a Teddy Bear-type Dad, but he became my patriarch when he was in his fifties.  I was raised up in a Southern Baptist Church, White Oak Hills ,most of my life . 
          When I married Tim, I was very much in love with him, but I spent most of my young married life , attending church with only my children.  The Lord had to move in my life before He began answering my prayers.  I had trusted the Lord as a young child and had rededicated my life several times during my teens and very early twenties, but I surrendered – never to turn back again when I was 24 years old – my second child was 13-months old.  I have three sons – Timothy is 32; Ted is 29 (soon to be a father); and Frank is 22 (very soon to be married).  Kelley (with child) is Ted’s wife, and Sondra is soon to be Frank’s.  Ivey Elisabeth is my granddaughter!  (not going to be but is!)
          Since that surrender, much has happened!  I began researching the WORD – not just reading a verse here or there, but learning how this wonderful book applied to me.  I am still on that voyage – still learning day by day all it has for me  andmy tent.  As you are in my tent, this also affects you! 
          First of all, the Lord clearly told me that if I was to know Him – which was the desire of my heart – that I must know my husband.  Learning my position in the family in order that my prayers not be hindered was a major building-block in this tent – a major cog in this wheel – in other words, it has been just about the most wonderful expression of God’s love to me.  I married my “childhood sweetheart.”  He’s been my guy since I was 15, and I am now 53 years old! 
What great love my Father has had for me that he would teach me to love my husband so!!!  That infatuation has grown to such a height of respect and admiration – of adoration – that only God could have placed within me.  I was so scared to know Tim.  That meant that he would have to know me.  Wasn’t it enough to just play the game of love?  Must we know each other intimately? – spiritually?  How could I go on growing in the Lord and wait on Tim to get there?  He didn’t look spiritual to me.  Ha!  What I didn’t know then – but have come to know in such measure is that God dealt with me through Tim because I submitted to God’s word about Tim.
Boys!  Did I have much adjustment to make, coming from a family of all girls and becoming a family of all guys except me.  I have come to realize what a sense of humor God has!  He loved me so much that he made me a mother of men!!!  From the time of my new beginning at 24 years old, God told me to raise “heads of households.”  The Lord clearly showed me that they were not to be “mama’s boys” – that they were to be close to their Dad.  I have understood that more and more as I’ve grown in the Lord because I know that my relationship with my own Dad was the key to my total trust in my Heavenly Father!  My flesh has indeed had to fight hurt or jealousy because my men are all in special relationship with their Dad – many times telling him exciting things – and because they are all men – often my not knowing until someone from outside our immediate family tells me. 
Now, I know that God allowed me to be a major part of that relationship – that  He had me move over so that they could become the manifested sons of God that I am still expecting to see.   I am persuaded that God is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that Day. 
While raising men, God called me to teach the younger women to love their husbands and children.  At first, I was the president of MOM (Mothers on the March), with meetings, speaking engagements, marches, writing a newsletter, etc.  We were in 27 states and 5 foreign countries and participated in defeating ERA in 1981.  In fact, years later at UGA, my niece Rebekah had a professor speak about those MOMS down at the capitol who defeated ERA.  Isn’t that a hoot?  Praise God forevermore what He can do with the plain and ordinary!!!
I had my 3rd child while still in Mom, but shortly after I was on the back side  of the wilderness, praying daily to know just who I was and what now Lord?  The storm had subsided – ERA was no longer my call.  During that time, I waited in Jerusalem to receive power to go forth (Acts 1).  The Lord met me – filling me with His precious Spirit who had been there all along – but now He was loosed in my life to grow me into the person to do the will of my Father.  In fact, He called me to teach not only the women to love their husbands and children but also to teach the children.
My ministry has been not only to teach in public school which I entered at 41 years of age and have loved doing now for 12 years, but He placed me in a ladies’ Sunday School class about that same time.  I now have three groups that I meet with each month – a Bible study on intercessory prayer with teachers; an intercessory  prayer group; and a Praying Wife group. 
My greatest challenge has been to change my Martha Christian life to a Mary Christian life.  Three years ago, I would have told you that I had a strong prayer life, but since then, I have come into a much deeper, richer place before my Lord.  I meet Him most every morning by 5:00 a.m. – often
4:00 a.m. – when later, I find it harder to have the time each day to do what I need to do.  The time spent with my Lord, Savior, Master, Father, and Friend accomplishes in me the energy to accomplish much each day!  I find without that time, I get much less done!  My new challenge is to tithe my prayer life  which is what I am on mission to do.  As I spend more and more time with Him, I find that I have more and more to do, not less.  Amazingly, I get more done the longer I spend with Him.  His ways are certainly not our ways!!
          Last night, at a baby shower for my Ted and Kelley, I was reminded as I looked at the women around me – some of you were there – that you are all in my promise from the Lord.  As I surrendered more and more, allowing Him to fill my thoughts and desires – to change me, giving me His mind and heart – I would realize His promise accomplished in me!  He clearly spoke to my heart – now 22 years ago!  “Teddi, if you will follow me, I will bring them ALL!”  I said, “Who, Lord?  My husband?  My children?”  He said, “ALL!”  I said, “My parents? Sisters? – their children?”  He said, “ALL!”  I said, “My cousins?  Inlaws? Friends?  Their families?”  He said, “ALL!”  In other words, whoever I could love – that I could believe for – that I could stand in and intercede  for – He would bring!!! 
          The simple Gospel of the Truth is so outstandingly awesome!!!  I didn’t have to beg and cry for my Heavenly Father – my God – to save my family and friends!  I had only to pray for them – just like Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc., and even Jesus Himself!!!  Since it’s not His will that any perish, I need only ask – I need only forgive and love and stand for them!!!  Miracles have happened!!!  Healings of  heart and mind as well as body!!! 
Recently, the Lord has brought so many memories back – relating the then to now – showing me answered prayers galore!!!  I bow to Him – the love of my Heart!!  He has truly brought me – us – into the Kingdom for such a time as this!!!   As Esther, we must first know that it is His will – we are to agree with God, willing it into our life.  Now, we must do – not simply hear – for the doer of the WORD reaps the harvest!!!  It is truly white – and we don’t have much time!   We, like our FATHER, are not willing to lose one – not willing that any perish – we spread this tent wide – like Jabez, we ask for expanded territory that we not miss one  -- not one husband, child, grandchild, niece, nephew, cousin, inlaw, friend, neighbor – not one!!!
 After the doing, the standing in intercession, praying – agreeing with God and decreeing things that be not as though they are– walking by Faith, not sight – NOW, we stand praying always with all types of prayer and intercession – knowing that the God in us is accomplishing His will through our praying His WORD back to Him!  The WORD will not return void – It WILL accomplish what it is sent forth to do!!!  The I AM of Moses, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, of our savior and Lord, Jesus Christ is ever present – watching over His WORD in our mouth to perform it!  How amazing, that He is waiting on us to speak – in order to accomplish His plan in our lives and those around us.
I am here to proclaim to you that you will harvest a mighty crop!  Look around – it is truly white unto harvest!!!  The Left Behind books speak of the great soul harvest during the tribulation – but I know that there is a huge soul harvest happening as we speak!  Are you not amazed at what God has done in your life!!!  Don’t you stand amazed that He has blessed you so!!   And why???  Haven’t we failed Him many times, but He loves us still and forever!!!  We were created for His pleasure!!! 
You may feel that you haven’t done what you’ve known you should do!!!  God’s WORD for you today – is don’t look back and remember the old – but press on to the mark!  Today is the Day of salvation for all of us!!  It matters not what we did yesterday – good or bad – if we’re not working in this great harvest today – then we are wasting our time!  If we don’t love each other, and forgive each other – it is all dung!!!   Just say, “Lord, I am sorry.  Forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness” – and immediately without any feelings or acclaim or whatever – God will do as you ask!!!  Now, you are free to do His will!!!
If you know exactly what that means… get busy!!  I encourage you in what you know to do…to be about your Father’s business.  Start that Bible Study, or prayer group, in your neighborhood, school, workplace, etc.  Speak to that person on your heart.  Forgive your family member or friend.  Do what you know, and watch God work the miraculous in your life!!! 
If you need equipment – a good book to study with others, or Bible Study material – like The Power of the Praying wife or Experiencing God, The Beginner’s Guide to Intercessory Prayer, etc.  I will be glad to share information, or you may meet with me , on  the last Monday night of the month for The Power of the Praying Wife, or on one of the two Friday nights we meet for House of Prayer.  If you would like to multiply these cell ministries in your home or with a group nearby, I will share all we do.  God will show up as you do this!  He is faithful!! 
I will also share with you the prayer blanket I pray each day.  I began in January, and I am astounded in the answers to prayer in such a short time! 
I would like to know how you would rather receive this newsletter.  This is the first mail-out.  Some of you may want to receive this newsletter by email or by contacting our website – at

I love you very much!  Know this – that you and your family are in my prayers.  Please send prayer requests to the Prayer Forum at the website above, or call or write me.  Prayer is the answer to all our needs!!!

                                                Love ya,

 Thanks for letting me be a part of your life.  Let me know your thoughts by commenting below.  

Until the next time...
