Prayer Blanket

Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dreamin' ...continued...

Interesting how God allows things to happen in your life...and then, expects you to use what you know or to speak or to do what He's already told you to do. 

At this very moment in my life, I have been asked to do something...thought I could...had something else happening at the same time...and had my husband step in and tell me not only what I need to do ...but what we will be doing.  In other words, He didn't let me decide...he has decided.

I told the first people involved and have not heard back from them in a positive way...and since I'm talking about very close family and I like to please people...I didn't want to beg out of the thing I committed to....even though it wasn't my fault that I can't do what I said I would do. To some this sounds I'm not very decisive...but I am one that wants to please and I seldom say no to things I'm asked to do.  If I can make it work, I'll do all in my power to get her done.

Well, as the time has gotten closer to both things...the one I no longer can do...and the one I'm has played on my heart that I've not been relieved of the disappointment that has come about from my not being involved.  I'm doing as my husband says...not battling...though I did put up a question or 2 and he hasn't changed his mind.

As I went to pick up grandgirls from pre-school and kidergarten today, I kept talking to the LORD about whether my husband was right...whether I should have insisted that I keep the commitment I made...and the LORD said, "It doesn't matter whether Tim is right or wrong.  There does not have to be a wrong or right way here. Your job is to submit to your husband.  This is your test."

Now, as I heard these words...lights began to flash...reminder that I had had a dream last year about a test.  I came home and looked it up on my .  Here's the dream:

I was in a building. I don’t know whether a house or not, but it had many rooms. I was the teacher, and I was passing out a test. As I was a teacher in public school for almost 20 years, that doesn’t seem so strange, except, my students were adults. As I was passing out the test, the adults, who were not seated and separated, like a teacher likes in her classroom, and they were not being quiet. In fact, they were talking and laughing, walking in and out of the room, like a birthday party, or a social gathering.

As I handed out the test, I remember thinking, how do I do this? How do they not cheat? I heard myself saying, “This is your test. You need not cheat, for you must know it for the Boards.” Knowing friends, doctors, lawyers, nurses, all have to pass the State Boards, that seemed to be what I was saying.

As I passed a test to each person, the person would look annoyed, at me handing them the test, and they were annoyed by my saying, “This is your test. You must know it for the Boards.” All miffed, that I was breaking in…that this was an inconvenience..some rolling eyes. No one was glad I was there nor that I was giving out the test.

I actually had 2 tests. I remember that I had to decide what and how to hold the 2 huge stacks of tests, and I had to decide which to give out first. As I juggled all the paper, and the tests might have been as thin as a sheet can be, and each was very hard to pass out. After the 1st test, they could turn in and get the 2nd.

As I maneuvered, from room to room, handing the tests out, I would choose one person, here and there, to help me pass out the test. Some just took papers and handed them out. Others, looked miffed that I would ask them to help hand them out. It seemed like an eternity…I was no where near the end of handing out the test, when…………rnnnnnngggggggg!!!! My cell phone was ringing. The call made me jump, as I was sleeping deeply. However, I did not want to return to the dream…I was exhausted from the mission I was on to give out the test.

I knew when I awakened that there was something about this dream...just the fact that I remembered it...and long enough to write it down.  I knew it was a warning to be prepared...that I was preparing others to take the see if they knew the a pre-test  Then, they would learn what they didn't know and take the pass.

Today, the LORD said that I was passing this test by submitting to my husband.  So, Funny!!!

I have just been sharing with several women younger than me that not submitting to our Head...our husband...that not staying under that umbrella of protection is sin.  The Word says that if we regard iniquity (sin) in our heart that He can't hear us.  I've been teaching the younger women as Titus tells us to love their husbands and their children.  Wives submitting to their own husbands shows up in Ephesians, Colossians, and 1 Corinthians. 

Though I've been praying it daily for years...and I've been teaching and telling...sharing with women all around test appears a seductive spirit...even as an angel of light.  I'm tempted to fight with my husband and to make us do the 1st thing I committed to do...and not just yield and do what my husband says.  Holy Spirit has to tell me it's my test.

Holy Spirit, I just want to thank You, for teaching me...reminding me...of my responsibility...before I slip out from under that protective covering.  Thank You, LORD, for Your WORD that is a lamp unto my feet...and that I hide it in my heart, daily, that I not sin against You.

The LORD even said today, "Even if it is not the right thing to do, you are his helpmate to help encourage and hold up, even when he makes the wrong turn..the wrong choice.  You have a blood covenant with him and made a vow to abide until death parts you." 

LORD, I give thanks to You for Your mighty WORD!!

In Jesus' Name,

Amen and Amen.

1 comment:

Jill Hill said...

Aunt Teddi,

It's so refreshing to hear this. As a wife and mother to two young children, I need the Truth. God's truth.

The world tells us to rebel, do what YOU want to do, don't be submissive, etc..

I love how you live out God's word. Not only living it out, but teaching us how to live it out. Helping us to not get twisted up by what the world will deceive us.

Thank you so much for sharing this. It's a golden nugget.

love you much,
