Prayer Blanket

Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Purpose

I was just thinking today about my purpose in God's Kingdom.  I mean I'm doing what I do...praying on the conference line, exercising, eating breakfast, taking my shower and dressing., and praying on the fb prayer wall...all while I care for, loving on my granddaughter that comes everyday.  In other words, I have...or sort of have a pattern of things to do each most of us.

I'm a retired teacher, who was always busy...staying late and bringing work home to do.  It was my stay connected with my "call" at all times.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the LORD called me to the classroom...and I stayed there until He led me out into retirement.  I had no idea at the time that my prayer ministry...praying more than an hour each morning on a conference line...was about to take off.

I've been praying with one sister in Christ for 8 1/2 years...every day!  What a glorious time we've had! We've seen so many miracles!!! Some have happened quickly..almost before we asked...and some are still happening around us.  The commitment thing has been the clue.  It's not me...or's Him.  We serve Him every day.  We commune every day...same time...and place (conference line).  Like the pony express...or postman of matter the weather...not just physical storms...but many, many, many spiritual storms we've weathered together.  We were already friends and sisters in Christ...before we began praying together. 

We are now such an extent...such a the LORD said in the Garden...that they be ONE as WE are ONE!!!! GLORY!!! Anyway, we had no idea that from that time we spent together...and from the website that we had prayed on for about the same amount of years…that we would create a page for this ministry on fb that would go to the ends of the earth. Praying for the nations…for individuals in nations…gathered with them across timezones and the equator…so God!!!

Well, today, as I was going about my business but with my mind stayed on HIM…I was thinking about how I love doing the 2 Bible Studies that I go to…one 2 Tuesdays a month…the other 3 Thursdays a month…and to ESL (English is a 2nd language) while my grandgirls attend AWANAS (a children’s Bible Program) at my church. I’m studying The Power of a Woman’s Words, by Sharon Jaynes on Tuesdays with mostly ladies I taught school with, and other friends. I’m studying The Shelter of God’s Promises, by Sheila Walsh on Thursdays.

I’ve studied several Beth Moore studies…2 this year with the Thursday group… Believing God and Why Godly People Do Ungodly Things. You might say that I’m a busy retired person…as many of the retired say, “I don’t know how I had time to work.” J

As of yesterday, I joined SHINEgirls…a Bible Study on the internet with friends, family, and other sisters in Christ…I am loving the time with the books…the people…and mostly the WORD…such a conglomeration of things…like a wonderful feast…with many flavors.  With all this going on, I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren..and I get off any small amount of time I can with the man God has given me…no doubt my Mama was right…when she said…”He’s a diamond in the rough!”

Among the thoughts…today…came a wonderful memory of a teaching God gave me many years ago..when I was pondering my purpose.  At the time I had a big ole’ goat named Judy.  The old woman, who sold me Judy, was named Bernice…and she shared with me about goats…all who in her herd loved her much! Bernice dressed a lot like a man…working outside…and had a cigarette that hung out of her mouth when she talked..and Judy loved the tobacco as Bernice would give her like it was a treasure.

I bought Judy in order to milk her. I had read about the Proverbial woman in Proverbs 31, and I had actually wanted a cow but did not have enough pasture…in fact I had a rough pasture.  Judy loved it though..just right for a goat.  I did milk her and my children and I drank the milk.  As they got older, they hated it because nobody liked goat milk. However, I used the milk…sold it to people with bone and digestive problems. It became a ministry.

Well, one day…I don’t know if I was sleeping or awake ..but I could see a man …a caretaker of the goats…like a shepherd of sheep.  He was feeding the goats that were in the fence…older ones and babies.  He was throwing hay over the fence.

The LORD asked me who was he and what was he doing? I described just as I said above, and I realized that the LORD was teaching me a lesson. This man was a pastor…he was feeding the flock…and Judy was eating and being filled. 

The LORD said, “What about the babies?”  “They can’t eat the grain or the hay,” I said.  “They nurse their mothers…like Judy with her babies.”  The LORD said,  “You are a Judy.”  You eat the meat.  You chew and chew..digesting…and nurturing with the milk.  Then, you teach the baby to eat the hay…at first it is so bad…they keep trying to bypass the hay and get to the Mama for milk.  She has to kick…to push them away…to cause them to have to eat the hay and the grain…to be able to fend for themselves. 

Enlightenment!! So illumined in the Truth of it all! I wasn’t the shepherd, but the Mama…the older woman…teaching the younger woman…

God is soooo good! Ask and He shall give it to you! Seek and ye shall find! Knock and it shall be opened to you! For everyone that asketh..receiveth; and he who seeketh …findeth..and to him that shall be opened!!

Love to all!


Jill said...

this is so beautiful and providential, aunt teddi! i love how you shepherd your babies..including me! :) thank you for being a living example of the Proverbs 31 woman. i am so grateful for you.

SHINE, girl, SHINE! <3

Mary Hudgins Balicki said...

I love this and boy do I remember Judy!!! Thank you for pointing the way for me and so many others. I sure love you!!

New Walk said...

Lord, help us to grow up as You desire us to. Where there has been trauma and we've stopped growing (arrested development) help us. Show us how to overcome the things that held us back. Thank You for healing our broken hearts and binding up our wounds. Thank You for using Teddi and others to salve us up. Thank You that
"Your Name is as ointment poured forth………
Your name is as ointment poured forth.........
Your name is as ointment forth."