Prayer Blanket

Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Trusting the LORD with All My Heart... for Real!! August 20, 2013

It has been about a month since I posted...and I've been busy walking out a few things.  I guess that means that I'm applying knowledge...I'm living what I say I believe.

Let me give you a couple of examples...Isaiah 52 is part of our prayer blanket that we pray every day.  A passage in that chapter says that God is our rearguard.  One of our prayer warriors always says Amen or Thank You, LORD, right there.  

Add to that scripture, that our sins are fogiven...buried...not to be remembered anymore...and the Lord's prayer...forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.  

I've known since childhood, all these words...I mean the Word of God.  I remember when I got it! I mean like a child in class when the light bulb comes on when the word as we forgive those who trespass against us.  When I got it that I had to forgive like Jesus.

Well, I thought I had gotten all the goody out of this precious promise...until I connected the dots.  When I realized...and it's like been in the last couple of days, but I've had it come up so many times...well, I have to get this down.  Remember, the Lord has called me His "ready writer."

Listen and see if you get it! I mean it's so simple, yet it goes deep unto deep.  When you hear be a to be a hearing who heeds what they what they're told!

There's no room for rebellion her...or anti- authority!  I mean to not do what God says is be guilty of both of those words.

I heard the voice of the Shepherd...say, that to have my be my rearguard...means that I don't have to look back even for the moment.  As I walk..."fessed up"...I remember a old timer saying to me one time...looking forward Him...not to the right or left...that I was not to look back...not even to yesterday...or this morning (it's late afternoon here now).

My yesterday is under the blood of Jesus!! If I made any mistakes, as today is the day of salvation, and this is the day that He has made. I walk on not being encumbered with what is behind...looking forward only to what is ahead of me.

Now, I know that may sound hard, but let's think about it! I mean even our parents said, "Don't cry over spilt milk."

When we dwell on our mistakes...our disappointments...can we rejoice always? I mean, if I dwell on me, I'm headed into the pit.  

Also, if I dwell on others' mistakes...especially where they trespassed me...can I walk in forgiveness?

Walking in the Spirit becomes more wonderful by the day...and the LORD's Truths are simplified as if "Stay the Course."

We let each day...and sometimes each moment...collect against us and against our others.  Can you return to an argument with a friend, or child, or husband/wife, and not feel the same old feelings again? 

I mean what is the point? Right?

I we have the mind of Christ...and we are to think only on whatever is good, kind, lovely, pure, of a good report, etc., then, when we dwell not on these things...well, back to the pit.  

From now on, let's think with Jesus' mind that has been given to us...and let's stop dwelling where we shouldn't...but on the things He tells us to dwell on.

It's like he is covering me from the back...and telling me to press on!  He's so very close that...beside me...and under me...and even in me...but also behind me...larger than me...His blood covering all that sin...all my mistakes.  

How awesome is that? He chooses to remember no why do I bring it up? Better yet, why do I let my accuser bring it up?

Now, that we're getting this, LORD...You are adding one more piece...our brother...could be sister...or husband...or friend...or whoever.  

You tell us to love our family is no challenge...or the friends we like...but You tell us to love our enemies...those who have despitefully used us...those who have hurt us...some by accident...and some on purpose.  

Some willfully do this to us again and again ...and You say, LORD, to forgive how many times? 70 times 70!!! Gracious! LORD! But how?

By doing for them...the one that keeps getting the best of us...what Jesus has done for us!  We put that sin behind know the both of us...the one who is trespassing you and what you would have done in the put it all behind us in the past.

And, now Jesus is also forgiving this person as He forgives and is forgiving you.  

Can we shout an Amen here!!!  Just how simple is that?

Just see the are getting behind the brother who is willfully or not hurting you...and placing the charge...the sin...the trespass...behind you...and Jesus puts it behind Him for you! 

You are remitting the sin of the one who has sinned against you.  You are loosing the bound. You are healing the broken-hearted. You are setting the captive free.  Woo Hoo!!!!!

Now is that a Truth! A treasure! A gold nugget in God's Word!!!

How simply He reveals the Truth!  How straight He makes the path, when we're Trusting Him to move us through this life.  

Thanks Jesus!!! Thank You for the Blood You shed at Calvary!!! Thank you Holy Spirit for Keeping Your promise to teach us all things....

In Jesus' Name...Amen and Amen

Until the next time...


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