Prayer Blanket

Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Caution to Parents

I feel a real check in my spirit about the homes today.

We somehow have the idea that God is not looking.

Or, we believe He has so many children that He's not focusing on us!

I hear parents crying out for their children and asking for prayer!

Children of all ages!

Small babies with cancer!  Children who rebel!  Children who need to feel good about themselves!

Children who are on drugs!  Prodigals!

Divorced children!  Homosexual children!  Children who fornicate!

Wow! Did I really say that?

I mean, I'm talking to parents to help them...and now I'm meddling in their business?

You know I may be, but the LORD tells me when I see the sword coming on the land and I do not warn the people, then, the blood of the people who do not turn from their wickedness ...well, it is on my hands!!

I know the Word!  I know the LORD is Coming!   And, if I don't warn you, then, your blood is on my hands!

And, well that's not going to happen! I see the sword...and I warn the people...including you since I know it's no accident that you are reading this.

One of the oldest promises in all the world is the promise to children, "Honor your father and your mother that your days be long upon the earth."

One simple Truth here.  Can you hear it?

If we honor our father and our mother then our days upon the earth will be long.

We can say this in reverse also.  If we don't honor our mother and father, then our days won't be long...they will be short!

Now, let's be honest here!

Did you honor your father and mother, and are you old?

Or, maybe you aren't old yet...and somewhere decided you were on equal ground with your parents and didn't need to heed their words anymore.

Well, you know I can't find that in the Word!  I did that during very short periods of time in my life, but because at the age of 24, when my 2nd child was 13 months old...I accepted Christ as not just my Savior...but my LORD!

From that time on, I didn't always agree with my Mama and Daddy...but I listened to ...I heeded my Mama's advice.

Unless I had to be un-submissive to my husband in order to honor them...I learned that it paid off not only physically and emotionally to come into prayer agreement with them...but it paid off spiritually.

I have the privilege of reaping what I have sown.  I don't yet see all the fruit that is coming ...but by Faith...I claim it and see it by Faith! I know it is coming!

I was a bit rebellious as a child, but my Mama never let me talk back to her without her slapping my face or making me unhappy with some sort of discipline.

I am most thankful that she did!

My mother knew that even a child is known by his/her doings!

She taught me that if I had nothing nice to say, then to not speak!

She corrected me early as the Word says...while there is still time!

Oh how many parents are ashamed or beaten down because their children went the rebellious way!

They failed to correct chldren while there is time!

Abuse is never acceptable!  However correction or discipline is required by God!

Disciples of the LORD are rebuked and disciplined! We are corrected!

We are tried!  We are tested!  The LORD requires our obedience to bless us!!!

I am thinking of all the children that I see everywhere I go, including my own grandchildren...

Are the children of this day and in my nation and in all the nations of the world...are they obeying their parents.

I have to answer this question...most do not obey parents...and if not thier parents...also not their grandparents...or their teachers...or policeman...or the law as they grow up...and they are like 1 Timothy talks about in the last days..."disobedient to parents" is listed as a sign that the LORD is on His Way!

Now does that mean it's ok not to obey parents?

Of course not!

Your children will not be blessed with long, abundant life, if they are disobeying you!

It is your responsibility to make them obey you!

I can remember my Mama as she corrected me and my sisters...she also corrected my children...her children's children...even my cousins if they ever stayed with us.

If a toddler said, "No!" or just stood in their place and did not pick up what they threw down...or went in the opposite direction from what she had told them to do...well, she wasn't giving them an option!

It was not theirs to choose to obey or not!  Mama believed that you had to make them obey.  She took their hands and with her hands over theirs she made them pick up toys.  Mama ran after the one who ran from her direction, and she made them go back to their beginning spot and then walked them firmly to where she had directed.

I am obedient to the LORD, quite frankly, just because my Mama did not let me disobey.

I was not sent to my room to sulk! I had to obey, and if I cried, her words were, "Would you like a reason to cry?"

I knew that meant, "Do you want me to spank you?"

I learned obedience quickly and forcefully.  I had not choice to do differently than what the Word said!

New testament says, "Children obey your parents in the LORD, for this is right! ...and it refers to the promise of long life!

God didn't simply say it in the O.T. and then, forget about it in the N.T.

We all know that what we learned as children, we remember! If you want a person to be bi-lingual place is in the home where both languages are spoken.  Children pick up the second language much easier.

Children learn to read better than adults.  Literacy is to be focused on children...reading and writing.

Not teaching and old dog new tricks came from somewhere!

We set patterns very young.  If you want your child to not sin against God, what is your responsibility?

To have them hide the Word in their heart! It's your responsibility that the Word is in their heart!

It won't get in their heart without their memorizing it! Reading it! Aloud so they hear it! Writing it! and Practicing it! Application is missed often! We say it or write it but don't act it out! We don't practice it! or Model it! Our actions speak louder than our words!

There's more coming...I hope you are getting this...

I hope you are meditating on it ...thinking...contemplating...just what might I do differently that my child live a long, abundant life?

Is it really up to me?

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