Prayer Blanket

Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


One afternoon, I was half asleep, when I saw a picture in my mind.  It was as though I was looking through a window.  Outside stood a whole lot of people – many of them were people I knew – my parents, sisters, friends, co-workers, church members, etc.  – standing in the rain.  Some had their arms down straight beside them, with their heads bowed, and their eyes and mouth shut.  Some had their arms slightly raised with palms up.  Some had their arms raised high, and their mouths wide open turned up toward the rain.   And, lastly, some had everything like the last, but they had buckets and more buckets all around them.

                       The Lord said to me, “Who is it raining on?”

                        I said,  “Everyone, Lord.”

                                   He said,  Is everyone receiving the rain?
                        I said,  No, those with their heads bowed, mouths
                        and eyes closed, and with their arms straight down
                        by their sides, aren’t receiving the rain.

                        He said, Who is receiving the most rain?

                        I said, The ones with the buckets!!! 

The rain represents the ‘out-pouring of the Holy Spirit.’  It is pouring out on ‘all flesh,’ just as Joel prophesied and Peter confirmed.  As you can see, you can receive different amounts of the Holy Spirit, and, you can even refuse to receive Him at all.  Those, not receiving any rain represent those who by never receiving the Holy Spirit, are never saved.  Jesus died for all men, but not all men receive Him as their Savior.  They cannot receive Him without receiving the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.”  Luke clearly says, How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?’ (Luke 11:23b). 

Father, I thank You for the clarity of Your Word.  I thank You that You have told us to ask.  In fact, Lord, You say, We have not because we ask not. You say, Ask and it shall be given to us. So, Lord, we commit ourselves to ask You for the Holy Spirit! 

This is taken from the spiritual glimpse presently on our website,  It came originally from the book The Inner Woman of the Heart, written by Teddi Lynne Moore Holt and the illustrations were drawn by her sister Beth Switzer. 


Women Who Pray said...

I have been so blessed knowing this precious Truth. I pray all are blessed who read it. :)))!!!! <3

Rebekah said...

You. Bless. Me.

Anonymous said...

congrats on this ill let amanda know and have her check this website out

Anonymous said...

family and friend are gifts sent that are sent by a source more powerful that words can explain

Anonymous said...

I especially love the "Snow Blanket" representing the "Prayer Blanket" that we throw out over our family and friends as we intercede for their needs. The picture of each of us receiving a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit is so inspirational. And the best part is that we can decide whether to get a little or a lot. I love it and I open my mouth wide and hold up my buckets to receive till I am full and running over.

New Walk said...

Look at the little men on the right side of the picture. They not only have their mouths open to receive all of the Holy Spirit they can, they also have huge grins on their faces! The Holy Spirit brings such joy! Help us to receive the rain of Your Spirit, Lord -- all that we possibly can. Thank You for more and bigger buckets! Thank You for the joy of knowing we are accepted in the Beloved! You have made us accepted in the Beloved -- and given us Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father -- Dear Daddy. Thank You, Father. And thank You for using Teddi and this Blog.

Judy said...

Awesome illustration Teddi. I have learned so much from you and I value our friendship for so many years. I want to be the one receiving the Holy Spirit with buckets. LOL Love you Lots

Linda said...

Great illustration! Lord, give me a big mouth, and lots of big buckets so that I may abundantly receive God's Holy Spirit!

Teddi said...

Credit for the illustration goes to my sister Beth. She is a very gifted artist! :))))!!! <3