I feel a real check in my spirit about the homes today.
We somehow have the idea that God is not looking.
Or, we believe He has so many children that He's not focusing on us!
I hear parents crying out for their children and asking for prayer!
Children of all ages!
Small babies with cancer! Children who rebel! Children who need to feel good about themselves!
Children who are on drugs! Prodigals!
Divorced children! Homosexual children! Children who fornicate!
Wow! Did I really say that?
I mean, I'm talking to parents to help them...and now I'm meddling in their business?
You know I may be, but the LORD tells me when I see the sword coming on the land and I do not warn the people, then, the blood of the people who do not turn from their wickedness ...well, it is on my hands!!
I know the Word! I know the LORD is Coming! And, if I don't warn you, then, your blood is on my hands!
And, well that's not going to happen! I see the sword...and I warn the people...including you since I know it's no accident that you are reading this.
One of the oldest promises in all the world is the promise to children, "Honor your father and your mother that your days be long upon the earth."
One simple Truth here. Can you hear it?
If we honor our father and our mother then our days upon the earth will be long.
We can say this in reverse also. If we don't honor our mother and father, then our days won't be long...they will be short!
Now, let's be honest here!
Did you honor your father and mother, and are you old?
Or, maybe you aren't old yet...and somewhere decided you were on equal ground with your parents and didn't need to heed their words anymore.
Well, you know I can't find that in the Word! I did that during very short periods of time in my life, but because at the age of 24, when my 2nd child was 13 months old...I accepted Christ as not just my Savior...but my LORD!
From that time on, I didn't always agree with my Mama and Daddy...but I listened to ...I heeded my Mama's advice.
Unless I had to be un-submissive to my husband in order to honor them...I learned that it paid off not only physically and emotionally to come into prayer agreement with them...but it paid off spiritually.
I have the privilege of reaping what I have sown. I don't yet see all the fruit that is coming ...but by Faith...I claim it and see it by Faith! I know it is coming!
I was a bit rebellious as a child, but my Mama never let me talk back to her without her slapping my face or making me unhappy with some sort of discipline.
I am most thankful that she did!
My mother knew that even a child is known by his/her doings!
She taught me that if I had nothing nice to say, then to not speak!
She corrected me early as the Word says...while there is still time!
Oh how many parents are ashamed or beaten down because their children went the rebellious way!
They failed to correct chldren while there is time!
Abuse is never acceptable! However correction or discipline is required by God!
Disciples of the LORD are rebuked and disciplined! We are corrected!
We are tried! We are tested! The LORD requires our obedience to bless us!!!
I am thinking of all the children that I see everywhere I go, including my own grandchildren...
Are the children of this day and time...here in my nation and in all the nations of the world...are they obeying their parents.
I have to answer this question...most do not obey parents...and if not thier parents...also not their grandparents...or their teachers...or policeman...or the law as they grow up...and they are like 1 Timothy talks about in the last days..."disobedient to parents" is listed as a sign that the LORD is on His Way!
Now does that mean it's ok not to obey parents?
Of course not!
Your children will not be blessed with long, abundant life, if they are disobeying you!
It is your responsibility to make them obey you!
I can remember my Mama as she corrected me and my sisters...she also corrected my children...her children's children...even my cousins if they ever stayed with us.
If a toddler said, "No!" or just stood in their place and did not pick up what they threw down...or went in the opposite direction from what she had told them to do...well, she wasn't giving them an option!
It was not theirs to choose to obey or not! Mama believed that you had to make them obey. She took their hands and with her hands over theirs she made them pick up toys. Mama ran after the one who ran from her direction, and she made them go back to their beginning spot and then walked them firmly to where she had directed.
I am obedient to the LORD, quite frankly, just because my Mama did not let me disobey.
I was not sent to my room to sulk! I had to obey, and if I cried, her words were, "Would you like a reason to cry?"
I knew that meant, "Do you want me to spank you?"
I learned obedience quickly and forcefully. I had not choice to do differently than what the Word said!
New testament says, "Children obey your parents in the LORD, for this is right! ...and it refers to the promise of long life!
God didn't simply say it in the O.T. and then, forget about it in the N.T.
We all know that what we learned as children, we remember! If you want a person to be bi-lingual ...best place is in the home where both languages are spoken. Children pick up the second language much easier.
Children learn to read better than adults. Literacy is to be focused on children...reading and writing.
Not teaching and old dog new tricks came from somewhere!
We set patterns very young. If you want your child to not sin against God, what is your responsibility?
To have them hide the Word in their heart! It's your responsibility that the Word is in their heart!
It won't get in their heart without their memorizing it! Reading it! Aloud so they hear it! Writing it! and Practicing it! Application is missed often! We say it or write it but don't act it out! We don't practice it! or Model it! Our actions speak louder than our words!
There's more coming...I hope you are getting this...
I hope you are meditating on it ...thinking...contemplating...just what might I do differently that my child live a long, abundant life?
Is it really up to me?
Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray
Prayer Blanket
Women Who Pray
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
How to Live a Long Life
Living a long life!
Isn't that what we want? Isn't that what we want for our children? ...and our grandchildren?
How does this happen? Is there a formula?
Throughout history, hasn't mankind....which includes we womenkind also...well, haven't we tried to stay young?
We can look at the Persians in the book of Esther, and we can see the time spent on the outward appearance!
Egypt also?! ....and ...well in all of the earth...among all the cultures...man/woman have tried to ornate the human body!
Look throughout the earth at the hairstyles! Look at the implants!! Look at all the color and glitter on the body!!!
Surgeries to make us larger! to make us smaller!! Tucks and lifts!!
Some even change their gender!!
I've been part of it myself...I'm not talking down...I'm looking up!
Our culture...mine at least...the western world here ... the U. S. A....well, don't we put way too much emphasis on how we look instead of how we do?
Isn't there much more time spent on exercising our bodies...jogging...work-outs...riding bikes...swimming...marathon-ing...etc...even yoga-ing...
And, then hair salons...manicures...pedicures...tattoo-ing...
Let's think how many hours we spend on this outer-man?
And, what about our leisure time...the time we spend watching t.v., playing games, social-networking, reading novels or how-to books...even the classes we take to enlighten our understanding about so many things...so that we are able to do as we like?
I can plead guilty to many of the above-named items...and have turned to a better way...
My prayer is that I've gotten your attention...
My prayer is that I'm going to keep your attention...
This is the beginning of a walk with God toward long, abundant life!
Stick with me as we walk this out together...
Arm in Arm!!
Isn't that what we want? Isn't that what we want for our children? ...and our grandchildren?
How does this happen? Is there a formula?
Throughout history, hasn't mankind....which includes we womenkind also...well, haven't we tried to stay young?
We can look at the Persians in the book of Esther, and we can see the time spent on the outward appearance!
Egypt also?! ....and ...well in all of the earth...among all the cultures...man/woman have tried to ornate the human body!
Look throughout the earth at the hairstyles! Look at the implants!! Look at all the color and glitter on the body!!!
Surgeries to make us larger! to make us smaller!! Tucks and lifts!!
Some even change their gender!!
I've been part of it myself...I'm not talking down...I'm looking up!
Our culture...mine at least...the western world here ... the U. S. A....well, don't we put way too much emphasis on how we look instead of how we do?
Isn't there much more time spent on exercising our bodies...jogging...work-outs...riding bikes...swimming...marathon-ing...etc...even yoga-ing...
And, then hair salons...manicures...pedicures...tattoo-ing...
Let's think how many hours we spend on this outer-man?
And, what about our leisure time...the time we spend watching t.v., playing games, social-networking, reading novels or how-to books...even the classes we take to enlighten our understanding about so many things...so that we are able to do as we like?
I can plead guilty to many of the above-named items...and have turned to a better way...
My prayer is that I've gotten your attention...
My prayer is that I'm going to keep your attention...
This is the beginning of a walk with God toward long, abundant life!
Stick with me as we walk this out together...
Arm in Arm!!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Trusting the LORD with All My Heart... for Real!! August 20, 2013
It has been about a month since I posted...and I've been busy walking out a few things. I guess that means that I'm applying knowledge...I'm living what I say I believe.
Let me give you a couple of examples...Isaiah 52 is part of our prayer blanket that we pray every day. A passage in that chapter says that God is our rearguard. One of our prayer warriors always says Amen or Thank You, LORD, right there.
Add to that scripture, that our sins are fogiven...buried...not to be remembered anymore...and the Lord's prayer...forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
I've known since childhood, all these words...I mean the Word of God. I remember when I got it! I mean like a child in class when the light bulb comes on when the word as ...as in...as we forgive those who trespass against us. When I got it that I had to forgive like Jesus.
Well, I thought I had gotten all the goody out of this precious promise...until I connected the dots. When I realized...and it's like been in the last couple of days, but I've had it come up so many times...well, I have to get this down. Remember, the Lord has called me His "ready writer."
Listen and see if you get it! I mean it's so simple, yet it goes deep unto deep. When you hear this...to be a doer...is to be a hearing hearer...one who heeds what they hear...do what they're told!
There's no room for rebellion her...or anti- authority! I mean to not do what God says is be guilty of both of those words.
I heard the voice of the LORD...my Shepherd...say, that to have my back...to be my rearguard...means that I don't have to look back even for the moment. As I walk..."fessed up"...I remember a old timer saying to me one time...looking forward Him...not to the right or left...that I was not to look back...not even to yesterday...or this morning (it's late afternoon here now).
My yesterday is under the blood of Jesus!! If I made any mistakes, as today is the day of salvation, and this is the day that He has made. I walk on not being encumbered with what is behind...looking forward only to what is ahead of me.
Now, I know that may sound hard, but let's think about it! I mean even our parents said, "Don't cry over spilt milk."
When we dwell on our mistakes...our disappointments...can we rejoice always? I mean, if I dwell on me, I'm headed into the pit.
Also, if I dwell on others' mistakes...especially where they trespassed me...can I walk in forgiveness?
Walking in the Spirit becomes more wonderful by the day...and the LORD's Truths are simplified as if "Stay the Course."
We let each day...and sometimes each moment...collect against us and against our others. Can you return to an argument with a friend, or child, or husband/wife, and not feel the same old feelings again?
I mean what is the point? Right?
I we have the mind of Christ...and we are to think only on whatever is good, kind, lovely, pure, of a good report, etc., then, when we dwell not on these things...well, back to the pit.
From now on, let's think with Jesus' mind that has been given to us...and let's stop dwelling where we shouldn't...but on the things He tells us to dwell on.
It's like he is covering me from the back...and telling me to press on! He's so very close that...beside me...and under me...and even in me...but also behind me...larger than me...His blood covering all that sin...all my mistakes.
How awesome is that? He chooses to remember no more...so why do I bring it up? Better yet, why do I let my accuser bring it up?
Now, that we're getting this, LORD...You are adding one more piece...our brother...could be sister...or husband...or friend...or whoever.
You tell us to love our family is no challenge...or the friends we like...but You tell us to love our enemies...those who have despitefully used us...those who have hurt us...some by accident...and some on purpose.
Some willfully do this to us again and again ...and You say, LORD, to forgive how many times? 70 times 70!!! Gracious! LORD! But how?
By doing for them...the one that keeps getting the best of us...what Jesus has done for us! We put that sin behind us...you know the both of us...the one who is trespassing you and what you would have done in the past...you put it all behind us in the past.
And, now Jesus is also forgiving this person as He forgives and is forgiving you.
Can we shout an Amen here!!! Just how simple is that?
Just see the picture...you are getting behind the brother who is willfully or not hurting you...and placing the charge...the sin...the trespass...behind you...and Jesus puts it behind Him for you!
You are remitting the sin of the one who has sinned against you. You are loosing the bound. You are healing the broken-hearted. You are setting the captive free. Woo Hoo!!!!!
Now is that a Truth! A treasure! A gold nugget in God's Word!!!
How simply He reveals the Truth! How straight He makes the path, when we're Trusting Him to move us through this life.
Thanks Jesus!!! Thank You for the Blood You shed at Calvary!!! Thank you Holy Spirit for Keeping Your promise to teach us all things....
In Jesus' Name...Amen and Amen
Until the next time...
Monday, July 8, 2013
King of Kings! LORD of Lords!! July 8, 2013
Today is an exciting time to be alive! I am 63 years old, and I believe that I will
see the coming of the LORD! The time of His coming is like the ripening of the
fruit…we’re almost there…Woo Hoo!!!!
What I’m about to say may not sit well with everyone because
the Church has been very much asleep…or more like one day-dreaming…or just not
paying attention to the signs of the times.
The LORD told us to look at the “fig tree” …to look at Israel.
Reba Rambeau, Dottie’s daughter, wrote about the Church in her
play, The Bride. Angels, looking at the Church, and seeing her
as a little girl, who was not mature, but swinging and singing “Jesus is coming
to see me.” She was sort of chanting
those words.
In the play, the Church has to grow into the Bride of Christ…with
combat boots on!
I was a young adult, when I first happened on to the Scofield
Reference Bible. I was newly an
Independent Baptist, having left the Southern Baptist Church of my
There were many professors,
in the colleges that had begun with Christian influence, that were leaving out
the virgin birth, aligning with the world more and more…even doing abortions at
the Southern Baptist Hospital in my city.
At that time I was taken with the Scofield Study Bible with
all the reference notes and commentary.
I loved the book, The Late Great Planet Earth, and I was caught
up in all the excitement of the pre-tribulation rapture theory.
Now, don’t stop and get mad at me here…let me share …and then
you make up your mind about the trip I took.
I had been raised in the Southern Baptist Church…knew that the LORD
would return…but in a general judgment.
I had not heard of the rapture until I was about 24 years old.
Being an eternal student, like I am, I was swept up into all
the excitement…that the eminent return of the LORD was at hand! I mean all the
people around me believed that we were not going through the tribulation…and
whew!!! I was soooo glad!!!
For the Great Tribulation had such an ominous sound…one
of dred…I mean, it was so nice to be able to believe that I’d not have to see
any judgment…who wouldn’t want the rapture…the catching away of the saints…to
come before the troubled times.
I can remember in the 70’s, as I led a group called Mothers On
the March against the feminists, and the ERA…equal rights’ amendment to our
Constitution here in the U.S…that we were talking with a group of Church of
Christ ladies who were also against the ERA, and we were saying, “See ya in the
Those ladies made it clear to us that they thought we were
very immature…to think that God was going to deliver this wicked Bride from all
trouble…when He said He was coming for an unblemished Bride. It was so easy for me to buy into that
theory, because I was already diluded with another one…once saved always saved.
Now, don’t get me wrong…there are some fantastic people…many
precious saints who believe both of these ideas…that we’re saved no matter how
we live, just so long as at some point we confessed our sins and said with our
mouths that Jesus is LORD!
During the 70’s, I also had fighting the ERA with me a group
of Pentecostals…and as one said to me one day, “What do you do with the
scripture…He who endures to the end shall be saved!” That scripture was a stumbling block for my
once saved always saved philosophy, as was the one in Hebrews that says not to
let our hearts be hardened like Israel in the desert.
I can really go on and on…how I have moved from one expecting
Jesus to come and removed me from trouble no matter how I lived…to one who
spends time daily with Him in the Secret Place, filling myself on the Word…the
Sword of the Spirit…which is two-edged and separate the Truth from the lie.
So many who believed like me didn’t even buy land or invest in
anything toward retirement, etc., because they were not going to be here…I mean
expectation was that we would have been long gone from here in the rapture…and
should now be in the millennial years here on earth.
Am I making any sense? I hope so…
If you don’t want to believe me, just do yourself a favor and
lay aside all the footnotes in the Bibles…buy one without any commentaries…and
explanations. Get you a Strong’s
Exhaustive concordance and a KJV of the Bible…so that you can have the Hebrew
and the Greek definitions…and translate for yourself.
look solely at the WORD. Matthew 24 is
Jesus being asked by His disciples to tell them about the end of days. He is sitting with his chosen, and they are
asking Him, their LORD, and He answers them:
Matthew 24: 3-
3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the
disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be?
And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of
the age?”
4 And Jesus
answered and said to them: “Take
heed that no one deceives you. 5 For
many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And
you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for
all these things must come to pass, but the end
is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and
earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the
beginning of sorrows.
9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation
and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And
then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then
many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.12 And
because lawlessness will abound, the
love of many will grow cold.
13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached
in all the world as a witness to all the nations,
and then
the end will come.
15 “Therefore
when you see the ‘abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the
prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16 “then
let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
17 Let him
who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. 18 And
let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. 19 But
woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those
days! 20 And pray that your flight may not be in
winter or on the Sabbath.
21 For then
there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of
the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And
unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.
23 “Then if
anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do
not believe it.24 For false christs and
false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See,
I have told you beforehand.
26 “Therefore
if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He
isin the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. 27 For
as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the
coming of the Son of Man be. 28 For wherever the
carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.
29 “Immediately after the tribulation of
those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the
stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then
the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of
the earth will mourn, and they will see
the Son
of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His
angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect
from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
The high-lighting is by me in order to follow
what is being said here…it’s the teacher in me, I guess…and that teacher that I
am has some questions…
Who is asking the questions?...Jesus’ disciples
Who is answering the questions? …Jesus
I don’t think anyone doubts that we are in the
beginning of sorrows…when has there ever been such trouble as earthquakes and
famine…and nations rising against each other and within themselves…in fact,
ever increasing…
An d, if you are listening to Christian media,
you know that Christians, such as our Pakistinian brethren, are running…seeking
asylum in other nations. There’s much
persecution …South Africa is concerned right now as Mandella looks as if he’s
dying. So much concern even here…with
how the businesses are closing as our 1st amendment rights are under
attack…as well as our 2nd and 3rd…our very Constitution
Now, let’s look on at Matthew 24…in the middle
of lawlessness abounding and the love of many waxing cold…Jesus says, He who endures to the end shall be saved.
Another question? The end of what? And, is this the same saved as sozo? Salvation
in Christ? Yes, it is.
Then, after those in Judea fleeing…He says,
Those days shall be shortened for whose sake? The elect’s sake. Who are the elect? Believers in Christ.
Now, I know there are those of you who are sold
out on the fact that the LORD will remove the Church from the earth…in order
for the Holy Spirit not to be here…and for satan to have full reign…but I have
a question?
Can there be an elect with no Holy Spirit? I
mean who is it that woos us to the LORD! Jesus says, If I be lifted up, I will draw all men . Without, Holy Spirit, how will Jesus be
lifted up to draw all men.
As lightening comes for the east and flashes to
the west, so will the coming of the LORD be…when? Immediately after the tribulation…
I know that we are told this is the 2nd
half of the Coming of the LORD…brought to the Church by Derby, and Scofield,
and Dakes…but notice the description of the LORD’s Coming…
the Son of Man…coming on the (1) clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 … His (2)
angels with a great sound of a (3) trumpet…and… (4) gather together His elect from the
four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17 says,
13 But I do not want you to be
ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as
others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus
died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. 15 For
this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the
coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.
16 For the Lord
Himself will (1) descend from heaven
with a shout, with the voice of an (2)archangel,
and with the (3)trumpet of God. And (4)
the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
You know, if I read this for myself without anyone leading me in a
commentary, I find that the only difference I see in the description is that it
is written by 2 accounts…so often like the Gospels. Matthew wrote Matthew…and he was there. Paul wrote what the disciples and Holy Spirit
told him…and there’s not enough difference that would convince me they are
1 Corinthians 15: 51- 52 is another one:
Notice it mentions the ones asleep and the ones who remain…just like 1
Thess. 13-15…
51 Behold, I tell
you a mystery: We shall not all sleep,
but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet
will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
Changed? In a moment! In the twinkling of an eye!
When? At the last trumpet…
There it is again …the sounding of the trumpet…but what’s different
Which trumpet? LAST
Now, where do we find the last trumpet???
In the last book of our Bible, the book of Revelation of course!
Chapter 8 has the 1st 4 trumpets. Ch. 9 has trumpets 5 and 6…all pretty doomy
and gloomy…
After chapters 10 and 11, Chapter 12 announces the coming of our King!
Revelation 12: 15-19…
15 Then the seventh angel sounded:
And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign
forever and ever!” 16 And the twenty-four elders who
sat before God on their thrones fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying:
“We give You
thanks, O Lord God Almighty,
The One who is and who was and who is to come,
Because You have taken Your great power and reigned.
18 The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come,
And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,
And those who fear Your name, small and great,
And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”
The One who is and who was and who is to come,
Because You have taken Your great power and reigned.
18 The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come,
And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,
And those who fear Your name, small and great,
And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”
19 Then the temple of God was
opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant[c] was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings,
noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.
Revelation 8:6 announced the 7
So the seven angels who had the
seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.
This is very important to grasp…7
angels are assigned to sound 7 trumpets…and 6 of them bring trouble, but when
the 7th is blown…we hear the Hallelujah Chorus!!! Loud voices in
heaven saying, The Kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord
and of His Christ, and He shall reign
forever and ever!!!
We are changed when the last
trumpet sounds declaring Jesus King of Kings and LORD of Lord, and He shall
reign forever and ever!!!
I used to wonder how I would
prepare …just in case what I was finding in the Word was true…and what I was
hearing among fellow believers…and in our churches was wrong…and this is where
I am!
I decided that the LORD knows
what He’s doing. He created Heaven and
earth and quite frankly He knows the story from beginning to end.
If He wants to come before the
end…I’m ready…and if He is not coming for awhile…I’ ready!
I realized that saying I’m a
Christian and going to church…even praying sometimes awhile…and sometimes not
ever getting around to it…well, it wasn’t enough for me.
I saw myself as that cat in a
cartoon, when trying to catch himself as He slides down the wall…that was me!
I was a part-time prayer
warrior. When I needed to pray for the
sick…or give Godly counsel…I had to separate myself and spend time with the
LORD…to get ready to minister.
I struggled every day with
family, friends, relationships…getting offended or saying too much…or too little…
And then, I got it! The light
bulb came on!
If I spend time with the LORD
every morning…never unfaithful…then, I’m always ready.
If I abide in the Secret Place
of the Most High…that means dwelling. Living
in Jesus! Then, I’m ready!!!
If I remain…do not leave the
LORD’s perfect will for me…I can make decisions and know that His plans for me
are for good and not evil…to give me a future and a hope.
The same Spirit who raised
Jesus from the dead dwells in me!!!
Woo Hoo!
I’m invincible until He says it’s
time…it’s over!
Until He calls me home, I’m not
going anywhere…
I remain busy about my Father’s
business…excited that His ways are higher than my ways…looking forward to
seeing the coming of the LORD!!!
Until the next time….
Monday, May 6, 2013
The Bell Tolls for Us!!! Get Ready America!!!
Really thinking tonight...conversing with husband of almost 44 years...hearing his concerns and disgust for what is going on in this nation....and just being still and knowing that my God is God!
This is a Selah moment for me! Remember how many times during the Psalms, the Psalmist would write selah? Selah means to pause...and to meditate. Reflection is what we say, today.
As a retired teacher, who taught American History, and as an active voter and one that believed in experiencing the 1st amendment firsthand!
I lobbied the Georgia General Assembly during hte battle over the Equal Rights' Amendment, and I debated the abortion issue more than once, standing for the rights of our unborn citizens.
I was raised by parents who changed from voting only as a democrat to voting for the person who stood on the issues that Christians have to defend.
I voted first at 18 years old, and I have continued to exercise that right! I believe that I must vote, so I must know where each candidate stands on the issues.
That makes me an informed voter.
I vote for a pro-life candidate...so, I do not vote for a pro-choice candidate. I vote for a person that believes in Holy Matrimony...that marriage can only take place between a woman and a man...in order that they are able to multiply and subdue the earth.
I know what socialism is and fascism and communism. I also know capitalism and the free-market system.
Socialism is when the government owns the busnesses and controls them. Communism and Socialism are actually interchangeable or else the U.S.S.R. would not have been the name of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Fascism is when business is privately owned but government run. For years now, we have leaned in that direction with all the government rules concerning private enterprize.
Lately, banks being government-run...where to buy a house we make a bid...instead of an offer to an owner...we are very near to socialism.
We planned well together to be prepared when we retired. We have been very blessed not to be under the oppression that so many our age are under today.
Though, blessed, we've been very busy...invested in the success of our children and grandchildren...so, it would be easy to just sigh and not speak out here...but I'm hearing the bell tolling...
Wednesday, the Benghazi hearings will be back in our faces! We can ignore these hearings...but we'd better not.
You know, I'm 63 years old, and I was appalled at the fact that our president, Bill Clinton, was involved in some questionable business adventures before he was elected, and that he had sexual relations in the Oval Office with a young woman that worked for him.
For this behavior, this nation almost impeached this man!
Years before this, Watergate took place. I was so young ...in my early 20's...1971-72sh. I liked Richard Nixon, and I believed him. I listened to that South Carolina Senator, Sam Irvin, as he led that hearing.
They crucified Nixon. The Media did their job. They reported every single thing that happened. Many were involved and prosecuted. One went to prison, and he served his time...never giving testimony against his commander in chief.
Years later I taught students about Watergate.
That was a different time in this nation. We had honest reporting. We had true journalism.
After teaching American History for several years, I changed schools, and my 1st class was journalism. One of the rules of journalism is that you do not have an opinion. Reporting only facts...only evidence...and never being persuaded to taint the truth...to fabricate...embellish the facts...or just plain lie.
We are in a new age of reporting, today.
What is today called the Benghazi event...is actually the treacherous murder of a U.S. ambassador to Benghazi and three of our U.S. military.
There was a cry for help...in fact, there were cries for help and communication that was not attended to properly, that caused the deaths...and what looks like a cover-up of information.
Now, folks...American citizens...we deserve better than this. So many have died and been maimed in order to keep this a nation of the free and the brave.
We have required truth to be served always!! We believe in justice!!!
It is very interesting to me that Hillary Clinton is the woman, the Secretary of State...and appointed by our president, Barak Obama, to this position...that needs to answer many questions...and needs to answer them honestly.
Ms. Clinton is actually considering her run for office in our next election.
She is the wife of the man who was nearly impeached by our Senate in the nineties. The woman who made up the story about the video answered directly to Ms. Clinton.
Our president, who defeated Ms, Clinton, in the Democratic Primary, appointed her to Secretary of State, and he did not call her to account ...and the media has not called him to account.
If we, the citizens of the the greatest nation in the world...and I don't mean we are great because we are some special breed...I mean we are great because we have a great God and a great Constitution that I believe in...the law of our land!
I taught students about Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists. I also taught them about Thomas Jefferson. These 2 men did not believe alike.
The Federalists actually wanted George Washington to be a king, even though we had fought the Revolutionary War, in order to no be a under the rule of one man. The sons of liberty and the tea party...with Sam Adams, and his cousin John Adams...our 2nd president.
Those of Hamilton's persuasion didn't think that anyone should be allowed to speak out against the president of he United States, while the freedom riders...and the tea partiers...and the sons of liberty...and the daughters of the revolution...they believed in the freedom of speech...which by the way still is part of our 1st amendment rights...right along with the freedom of the press to speak the truth whether the administration likes it or not.
Today, in this era of greed and lasciviousness, quite frankly, America is experiencing a time much like the time 1st sons of liberty and the 1st tea party. Funny that I am saying those names more than once...but isn't it ironic to live in such a repeat of history.
I mean there might not be tea being pored out in the Massachusetts bay, as it was in the 1770's, but the time we live in is certainly analogous to that time period.
We are taxed to death in the United States!! It's true that there are nations taxed much more than us, but it doesn't change the fact that our taxes are increasing even though we are being told they are not.
The value of our homes have been reduced to a point that many American citizens...good, law-abiding citizens, who in good faith bought their homes...spending much money...are now experiencing great loss...and for what?
Because our government ...our executive branch...and our legislative branch...and our judicial system...have decided that the rich are our enemy. How crazy is that?
Without the bright vision and the money to build great businesses...without the vision and the funds to allow the vision to be accomplished...where would we be?
I believe that the rich in this nation are the givers. They build great companies, and they provide jobs, and they pay their employees salaries.
Everyone can't be the boss! We are not all the same. As a teacher, I knew that I would have children prodigies in my class...that I would teach children the basics...and they would go on to be the professionals.
There was no envying and jealousies...no wanting to teach only the children with high IQ's or low IQ's or only the middle...I loved that I had those who would do their best regardless of what mental capacity they had. Of course, there were always those who didn't use what they had in all 3 categories.
It takes us all to make the world go round! We can't all do the same thing!
Taxing the people that provide the jobs and the benefits so high that they have to lower the salaries...or hire less people...or provide less benefits...or all of the 3 things listed here...does that sound like a better way?
I know that if we level it all out...and we make us all own everything, then, none of us will own anything...just like the Communist Bloc countries that existed during most of my life...until 1989-1991.
I am sounding this alarm today...tonight actually as I go to bed in a few minutes...
Watchmen...prayer warriors on your wall!!!
Pray for justice to prevail in these hearings!!!
Speak out loud and clear...that there is no one above the Constitution of this great land!!!
Not our Secretary of State!! Not our Senators!!! Not our Congressmen!! Not our Judges and Justices!!! Not our Governors!!! Not our President!!!
In Jesus' Name...
Amen and Amen
This is a Selah moment for me! Remember how many times during the Psalms, the Psalmist would write selah? Selah means to pause...and to meditate. Reflection is what we say, today.
As a retired teacher, who taught American History, and as an active voter and one that believed in experiencing the 1st amendment firsthand!
I lobbied the Georgia General Assembly during hte battle over the Equal Rights' Amendment, and I debated the abortion issue more than once, standing for the rights of our unborn citizens.
I was raised by parents who changed from voting only as a democrat to voting for the person who stood on the issues that Christians have to defend.
I voted first at 18 years old, and I have continued to exercise that right! I believe that I must vote, so I must know where each candidate stands on the issues.
That makes me an informed voter.
I vote for a pro-life candidate...so, I do not vote for a pro-choice candidate. I vote for a person that believes in Holy Matrimony...that marriage can only take place between a woman and a man...in order that they are able to multiply and subdue the earth.
I know what socialism is and fascism and communism. I also know capitalism and the free-market system.
Socialism is when the government owns the busnesses and controls them. Communism and Socialism are actually interchangeable or else the U.S.S.R. would not have been the name of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Fascism is when business is privately owned but government run. For years now, we have leaned in that direction with all the government rules concerning private enterprize.
Lately, banks being government-run...where to buy a house we make a bid...instead of an offer to an owner...we are very near to socialism.
We planned well together to be prepared when we retired. We have been very blessed not to be under the oppression that so many our age are under today.
Though, blessed, we've been very busy...invested in the success of our children and grandchildren...so, it would be easy to just sigh and not speak out here...but I'm hearing the bell tolling...
Wednesday, the Benghazi hearings will be back in our faces! We can ignore these hearings...but we'd better not.
You know, I'm 63 years old, and I was appalled at the fact that our president, Bill Clinton, was involved in some questionable business adventures before he was elected, and that he had sexual relations in the Oval Office with a young woman that worked for him.
For this behavior, this nation almost impeached this man!
Years before this, Watergate took place. I was so young ...in my early 20's...1971-72sh. I liked Richard Nixon, and I believed him. I listened to that South Carolina Senator, Sam Irvin, as he led that hearing.
They crucified Nixon. The Media did their job. They reported every single thing that happened. Many were involved and prosecuted. One went to prison, and he served his time...never giving testimony against his commander in chief.
Years later I taught students about Watergate.
That was a different time in this nation. We had honest reporting. We had true journalism.
After teaching American History for several years, I changed schools, and my 1st class was journalism. One of the rules of journalism is that you do not have an opinion. Reporting only facts...only evidence...and never being persuaded to taint the truth...to fabricate...embellish the facts...or just plain lie.
We are in a new age of reporting, today.
What is today called the Benghazi event...is actually the treacherous murder of a U.S. ambassador to Benghazi and three of our U.S. military.
There was a cry for help...in fact, there were cries for help and communication that was not attended to properly, that caused the deaths...and what looks like a cover-up of information.
Now, folks...American citizens...we deserve better than this. So many have died and been maimed in order to keep this a nation of the free and the brave.
We have required truth to be served always!! We believe in justice!!!
It is very interesting to me that Hillary Clinton is the woman, the Secretary of State...and appointed by our president, Barak Obama, to this position...that needs to answer many questions...and needs to answer them honestly.
Ms. Clinton is actually considering her run for office in our next election.
She is the wife of the man who was nearly impeached by our Senate in the nineties. The woman who made up the story about the video answered directly to Ms. Clinton.
Our president, who defeated Ms, Clinton, in the Democratic Primary, appointed her to Secretary of State, and he did not call her to account ...and the media has not called him to account.
If we, the citizens of the the greatest nation in the world...and I don't mean we are great because we are some special breed...I mean we are great because we have a great God and a great Constitution that I believe in...the law of our land!
I taught students about Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists. I also taught them about Thomas Jefferson. These 2 men did not believe alike.
The Federalists actually wanted George Washington to be a king, even though we had fought the Revolutionary War, in order to no be a under the rule of one man. The sons of liberty and the tea party...with Sam Adams, and his cousin John Adams...our 2nd president.
Those of Hamilton's persuasion didn't think that anyone should be allowed to speak out against the president of he United States, while the freedom riders...and the tea partiers...and the sons of liberty...and the daughters of the revolution...they believed in the freedom of speech...which by the way still is part of our 1st amendment rights...right along with the freedom of the press to speak the truth whether the administration likes it or not.
Today, in this era of greed and lasciviousness, quite frankly, America is experiencing a time much like the time 1st sons of liberty and the 1st tea party. Funny that I am saying those names more than once...but isn't it ironic to live in such a repeat of history.
I mean there might not be tea being pored out in the Massachusetts bay, as it was in the 1770's, but the time we live in is certainly analogous to that time period.
We are taxed to death in the United States!! It's true that there are nations taxed much more than us, but it doesn't change the fact that our taxes are increasing even though we are being told they are not.
The value of our homes have been reduced to a point that many American citizens...good, law-abiding citizens, who in good faith bought their homes...spending much money...are now experiencing great loss...and for what?
Because our government ...our executive branch...and our legislative branch...and our judicial system...have decided that the rich are our enemy. How crazy is that?
Without the bright vision and the money to build great businesses...without the vision and the funds to allow the vision to be accomplished...where would we be?
I believe that the rich in this nation are the givers. They build great companies, and they provide jobs, and they pay their employees salaries.
Everyone can't be the boss! We are not all the same. As a teacher, I knew that I would have children prodigies in my class...that I would teach children the basics...and they would go on to be the professionals.
There was no envying and jealousies...no wanting to teach only the children with high IQ's or low IQ's or only the middle...I loved that I had those who would do their best regardless of what mental capacity they had. Of course, there were always those who didn't use what they had in all 3 categories.
It takes us all to make the world go round! We can't all do the same thing!
Taxing the people that provide the jobs and the benefits so high that they have to lower the salaries...or hire less people...or provide less benefits...or all of the 3 things listed here...does that sound like a better way?
I know that if we level it all out...and we make us all own everything, then, none of us will own anything...just like the Communist Bloc countries that existed during most of my life...until 1989-1991.
I am sounding this alarm today...tonight actually as I go to bed in a few minutes...
Watchmen...prayer warriors on your wall!!!
Pray for justice to prevail in these hearings!!!
Speak out loud and clear...that there is no one above the Constitution of this great land!!!
Not our Secretary of State!! Not our Senators!!! Not our Congressmen!! Not our Judges and Justices!!! Not our Governors!!! Not our President!!!
In Jesus' Name...
Amen and Amen
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Dreamin' Again...
I am not a dreamer...I have seldom dreamed throughout all my life...and I will be 63 tomorrow.
Most of the few dreams that I've had made no sense when I awakened...only a few have I ever remembered.
I've dreamed...or seen pictures...some might call visions...but I write...and I taught Language Arts for many years...so I think in analogies...word pictures...and teach making connections so students can understand.
I love the parables in the Bible. I love that Jesus taught that way...and it may just be Him in me teaching and thinking like I do...
I was reminded of the last dream that I had...and I remembered writing about it...so I'm placing the link to the last dream right here:
(right click on the address and then scroll down and click on to open)
The dream caused me to wake up three, maybe more, times...because I'm speaking loudly...even shouting...
I'm outside and I'm trying to gain the attention of a number of people. They don't seem to be paying any attention to me...to what I have to say.
It's not like a yard or a small place...but a massive expanse of outside...not meadows...or mountains...or desert...but not the city...like a wilderness? or some such...
I do not have a microphone...so I'm shouting...
I can tell that I'm feeling some anxiety come over me...feeling a bit frantic...that I have this message...or warning maybe...but no one is tuned in it appears.
I wake myself up with my loud voice...I am preaching!!!
The last dream...I was the teacher and messenger...
This time...I'm the preacher.
I realize that I'm hearing myself not be concerned that they all aren't paying attention...I begin to realize that I'm preaching whether anyone listens or not...
I'm preaching repentance!!
I hear me saying that it is not ok to hear the message...to look like you're on the path...and then go home and sleep with someone you are not married to...
Or you can't cheat or take something not yours...both are stealing...
I began to sing a song the LORD gave me a long time ago!
Repent! Repent! the Kingdom of God is at hand!
Repent! Repent! the Kingdom of God is at hand!
Sound the trumpet!
Sound the trumpet!
I sang it over and over...
And...I could hear the song I love to hear Judy Jacob sing, The Days of Elijah!
The part that says, "...We are the laborers in Your vineyard, declaring the Word of the LORD!!
I was standing in the spirit of John the Baptist...and knew it...in the dream!
I was preparing the way...I was saying Behold He Comes!!!
I'm not sure that I've written it all...not sure that was it...do know that I got up just after 4:30 a.m. because the I in my dream wasn't letting me sleep.
Last night, someone said to me...Mama Teddi or Aunt Teddi they call me on the Womenwho Pray page on facebook.
She said, "God has sent you to be the light of our world." I said, "Yes, we are lights, reflecting His light...and we must fan our flame that it not only not go out...but that it be so bright that all come to Him.."
I'm sort of sleepy today...going out to celebrate my birthday with my family tonight...my husband, sons, and their girls...4:30 is early even for me...as I arise daily at 5 a.m.
I was amazed that I may have been loud enough to wake myself up...but by the third time, it was easier for the me in the dream to preach the coming of the LORD...
I was preaching repentance like John recorded John the Baptist doing...
I was telling people how to repent...how to have works for repentance...
I pray that you prepare to meet our God!
He's coming soon!!
Most of the few dreams that I've had made no sense when I awakened...only a few have I ever remembered.
I've dreamed...or seen pictures...some might call visions...but I write...and I taught Language Arts for many years...so I think in analogies...word pictures...and teach making connections so students can understand.
I love the parables in the Bible. I love that Jesus taught that way...and it may just be Him in me teaching and thinking like I do...
I was reminded of the last dream that I had...and I remembered writing about it...so I'm placing the link to the last dream right here:
(right click on the address and then scroll down and click on to open)
The dream caused me to wake up three, maybe more, times...because I'm speaking loudly...even shouting...
I'm outside and I'm trying to gain the attention of a number of people. They don't seem to be paying any attention to me...to what I have to say.
It's not like a yard or a small place...but a massive expanse of outside...not meadows...or mountains...or desert...but not the city...like a wilderness? or some such...
I do not have a microphone...so I'm shouting...
I can tell that I'm feeling some anxiety come over me...feeling a bit frantic...that I have this message...or warning maybe...but no one is tuned in it appears.
I wake myself up with my loud voice...I am preaching!!!
The last dream...I was the teacher and messenger...
This time...I'm the preacher.
I realize that I'm hearing myself not be concerned that they all aren't paying attention...I begin to realize that I'm preaching whether anyone listens or not...
I'm preaching repentance!!
I hear me saying that it is not ok to hear the message...to look like you're on the path...and then go home and sleep with someone you are not married to...
Or you can't cheat or take something not yours...both are stealing...
I began to sing a song the LORD gave me a long time ago!
Repent! Repent! the Kingdom of God is at hand!
Repent! Repent! the Kingdom of God is at hand!
Sound the trumpet!
Sound the trumpet!
I sang it over and over...
And...I could hear the song I love to hear Judy Jacob sing, The Days of Elijah!
The part that says, "...We are the laborers in Your vineyard, declaring the Word of the LORD!!
I was standing in the spirit of John the Baptist...and knew it...in the dream!
I was preparing the way...I was saying Behold He Comes!!!
I'm not sure that I've written it all...not sure that was it...do know that I got up just after 4:30 a.m. because the I in my dream wasn't letting me sleep.
Last night, someone said to me...Mama Teddi or Aunt Teddi they call me on the Womenwho Pray page on facebook.
She said, "God has sent you to be the light of our world." I said, "Yes, we are lights, reflecting His light...and we must fan our flame that it not only not go out...but that it be so bright that all come to Him.."
I'm sort of sleepy today...going out to celebrate my birthday with my family tonight...my husband, sons, and their girls...4:30 is early even for me...as I arise daily at 5 a.m.
I was amazed that I may have been loud enough to wake myself up...but by the third time, it was easier for the me in the dream to preach the coming of the LORD...
I was preaching repentance like John recorded John the Baptist doing...
I was telling people how to repent...how to have works for repentance...
I pray that you prepare to meet our God!
He's coming soon!!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Eleventh Hour
Last year...about this time of year...or maybe a little earlier...I wrote to you about the coming year...2012.
I let you know that I am not Mayan, and I was not concerned about any Mayan prophecy about the year 2012.
I did let you know, however, that the number 12 is the number of divine order in Biblical terms.
It is also one of the numbers of perfection or wholeness.
On October 24...10/24/2012...my friend, sister in Christ, and prayer warrior partner every day pointed out to me that we were praying Thursday's Prayer Blanket Day...our warfare prayer day of the week...and, we were praying Psalm 144...a warfare Psalm 144...12 X 12.
She did not know all it meant, but she knew that the LORD pointed out a lot of 12's. Ten also is one of those numbers of perfection and completion like 3 and 7.
Here's a link for that Numbers book on line...http://philologos.org_/eb-nis/...Number in Scripture: Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance.
I was given the book as a gift years ago...and every once in awhile...I am aware that a number I'm looking at is very important.
Well, today, during our daily praise and prayer time in the morning...an every day occurrence for soon to be 10 full years in June...the number 11 was every where.
The date is November 11...or 11/11/2012.
Also, for the 1st time since we began praying together in June of 2003, today's Psalm and Proverb were both the 11th chapter of each book.
3 If the foundations are destroyed,
What can the righteous do?
But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.
6 Upon the wicked He will rain coals;
Fire and brimstone and a burning wind
Shall be the portion of their cup.
7 For
the Lord is righteous,
He loves righteousness;
His countenance beholds the upright.
This got my attention for real!!! I mean, I'm one who sees the foundations of my nation being destroyed...I'm in the secret place ...looking down on my sinful nation...
I can hear the voice of the prophets throughout the Old Testament...saying to Israel..."you sinned...I allowed you to be in bondage...you cried out...I delivered...you sinned...I allowed the bondage...you cried out...I delivered...then, you cried out and I did not hear...
Sound familiar? I hear the same voice of God...who has been speaking to me at least 30 years...and so many before me...and about me...We hear the voice of our Shepherd...and He has not changed...
We're about to enter the year...2013...
We're at the end of 2012...at least very near the end...but today, the LORD, speaks in 11's...
Proverbs 11 is full and long...so let me show you just a little that jumps out with me...especially after reading Psalm 11...
4 Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.
6 The righteousness of the upright will deliver them, but the unfaithful will be caught by their lust.
8 The righteous is delivered from trouble, and it comes to the wicked instead.
I let you know that I am not Mayan, and I was not concerned about any Mayan prophecy about the year 2012.
I did let you know, however, that the number 12 is the number of divine order in Biblical terms.
It is also one of the numbers of perfection or wholeness.
On October 24...10/24/2012...my friend, sister in Christ, and prayer warrior partner every day pointed out to me that we were praying Thursday's Prayer Blanket Day...our warfare prayer day of the week...and, we were praying Psalm 144...a warfare Psalm 144...12 X 12.
She did not know all it meant, but she knew that the LORD pointed out a lot of 12's. Ten also is one of those numbers of perfection and completion like 3 and 7.
Here's a link for that Numbers book on line...http://philologos.org_/eb-nis/...Number in Scripture: Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance.
I was given the book as a gift years ago...and every once in awhile...I am aware that a number I'm looking at is very important.
Well, today, during our daily praise and prayer time in the morning...an every day occurrence for soon to be 10 full years in June...the number 11 was every where.
The date is November 11...or 11/11/2012.
Also, for the 1st time since we began praying together in June of 2003, today's Psalm and Proverb were both the 11th chapter of each book.
11 In
the Lord I
put my trust;
How can you say to my soul,
“Flee as a bird to your mountain”?
2 For look! The wicked bend their bow,
They make ready their arrow on the string,
That they may shoot secretly at the upright in heart.
How can you say to my soul,
“Flee as a bird to your mountain”?
2 For look! The wicked bend their bow,
They make ready their arrow on the string,
That they may shoot secretly at the upright in heart.
3 If the foundations are destroyed,
What can the righteous do?
4 The Lord is in His holy temple,
The Lord’s throne is in heaven;
His eyes behold,
His eyelids test the sons of men.
5 The Lord tests the righteous,
The Lord’s throne is in heaven;
His eyes behold,
His eyelids test the sons of men.
5 The Lord tests the righteous,
But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.
6 Upon the wicked He will rain coals;
Fire and brimstone and a burning wind
Shall be the portion of their cup.
He loves righteousness;
His countenance beholds the upright.
This got my attention for real!!! I mean, I'm one who sees the foundations of my nation being destroyed...I'm in the secret place ...looking down on my sinful nation...
I can hear the voice of the prophets throughout the Old Testament...saying to Israel..."you sinned...I allowed you to be in bondage...you cried out...I delivered...you sinned...I allowed the bondage...you cried out...I delivered...then, you cried out and I did not hear...
Sound familiar? I hear the same voice of God...who has been speaking to me at least 30 years...and so many before me...and about me...We hear the voice of our Shepherd...and He has not changed...
We're about to enter the year...2013...
We're at the end of 2012...at least very near the end...but today, the LORD, speaks in 11's...
Proverbs 11 is full and long...so let me show you just a little that jumps out with me...especially after reading Psalm 11...
4 Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.
6 The righteousness of the upright will deliver them, but the unfaithful will be caught by their lust.
8 The righteous is delivered from trouble, and it comes to the wicked instead.
12 He who is
devoid of wisdom despises his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his peace.
13 A
talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter.
14 Where there
is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
17 The merciful man does good for his own soul, but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh
23 The
desire of the righteous is only good, but the expectation of the wicked is wrath.
25 The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.
27 He who
earnestly seeks good finds favor, but trouble will come to him who seeks evil.
28 He who
trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like foliage
. 30 The fruit
of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
31 If the
righteous will be recompensed on the earth, how much more the ungodly and the sinner.
I told you it was full, and I only used 13 of the 31 verses...loaded with Truth!
It may sound like I'm running a rabbit trail...but I'm not! The LORD has been reminding me just about daily in the last couple of weeks...1 Corinthians 13: 5, says, Love 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own,
is not provoked, thinks no evil...
When I've had my feeling hurt with one of my sons...or my husband...or a friend...I've heard the Word in my heart speak...Love thinks no evil!
If you'd been having a Bible Study called Loving the LORD With All Your Mind, by Elizabeth George, you would have been studying Philippians 4:8, which says,
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true,
whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,
whatever things are of good report, if there is any
virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on
these things.
Teddi, does this mean, that when I'm hurt, or disappointed, or licking my wounds, then, I'm not meditating on these things and, therefore, thinking evil!??!
Let me return to my morning...I left the prayer group...knowing a couple of things that I haven't mentioned...yet...
It turns out that the number 11 means the one more than the perfect 10 and one less than the perfect 12...and where 12 is completion and order...11 is the opposite...it is disorder...and chaotic even...the book refers to all the 11's in the Bible just like the 10's and 12's...
So, this morning...and well, today is the 11th hour. It is the 11th day of the 11th month in the year of divine order.
To me that means that I've been reminded that if there's any ordering I need to take care of before 2013 gets here, then, it's time to do it!! Not to talk about it!! Not to think about it!! Not to hide my head in the sand...but to do it!
Now, that's where I was, when 2 that I prayed with this very morning sent me the Bible Verse for today that they receive...and it is of course, an 11.
Duh?????? Helllooooo!!!!!! Teddi, if you weren't listening already...if you didn't already intend to meditate on Psalm and Proverbs 11 today...then, here is another 11! One of my favorites!!!
Hebrews 11:1:
Now faith is the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
This is where I was until 8:30 a.m.
Being under the weather as I've been lately, I was home watching Joel Osteen...a regular for me if I'm here and not in Church...I am always blessed!
My husband just moves out and lets me have the tv when he comes on...he goes about being busy ...sort of in and out of here...but leaves me to enjoy the message.
Well, today, I'm not sure I enjoyed it at all. Little did I know that from the moment it started, Joel was talking directly to me...minding my business...digging in deeply with the sword...I had surgery without any anaesthetic...taken totally by surprise.
You see I'm a friend of God! I mean I spend most of my waking hours each day before Him...certainly reading, writing, praying...remaining in the Secret Place of the Most High!
In fact, those were my words as I left my prayer partners...precious women of God...this morning...I was declaring that I am under the shelter of His wings...abiding...residing...not moving...
This week has been tough...the last several have been...the election this week...flu and upper respiratory mess throughout my family...right after 2 skin cancers removed in the last few weeks...physically drained...
Then, emotional trials...not able to mention here...but the LORD knows...and He knows I've had my feeling hurt...and been disappointed...placing those things away...trying not to meditate on...but when I've discussed at all...feeling sad, disheartened, oh, you name it...pity party all over me.
I've had some precious prayer partners...who love and respect me and my position as prayer warrior...who've loved on me as they would since I'm their sister...and maybe mentor...but we're family...
But, this allowed me to hold iniquity in my heart! Not their fault...who would have known...not me for sure...
LORD, it was me that declared I'd not move from this spot of protection...declared Arise, Shine, for the Light is Come...even this morning...
And, Your glorious light just about burned me up this morning...
I saw that I had not shown mercy every time...in every thought about these circumstances around me!!
You came in and dusted all the cob webs out LORD...You scourged me...until I'm raw inside out...I don't know that anyone on this earth knows what has happened in my heart today...but I do!!!
You've shown me what Joel said...that I have a choice every time news comes my way that I don't like or am offended by...to douse it with fire or water...
Remember, Proverbs 11: 25, He who waters will also be watered himself...
He who covers the sin...the one who shows mercy!! He will receive mercy!!!
LORD, Matthew and Mark in the last 2-3 weeks, that I'm reading through the Bible with Shinegirls...it spoke of the parable of the King showing mercy to his servant...and in turn the servant did not show mercy to his own servant...the King tormented him afterward until he paid all his debt.
I thought I was merciful...because I wasn't saying anything...keeping my mouth shut, I thought...
But, LORD, as You've reminded me to do over and over...to think no evil...to meditate on only those things you listed for us.
I told my friends this very morning...that the road is narrower by the day...by the hour...that Galatians 2: 20...that says, We are crucified with Christ! It's no longer us who live, but Christ lives in us! And, the life we now live in the flesh...we live by Faith (Hebrews 11: 1)...in the Son of God...who loves us and gave His life for us.
I knew that I was being drawn closer...and my prayer warrior friend that I talk to every day has talked about shepherding and sheep...and warrior angels...and who knows what else...about being drawn to a newer level...
And as I've cried out and held on...and remained in ...abiding ...staying...
You, LORD, have revealed to me this day that to be in order in this 11th hour for me...I had to lay down...I can't even hardly say the words...
Unforgiveness LORD?? I was holding unforgiveness and didn't know it? I mean I teach it...I pray it daily...
He was so sweet, y'all!! Last week He made me totally silent as I was first with flu in my body and he let me feel the waves of love...I mean I wrote about it just last week on my website...www.womenwhopray.net...
Jesus, lover of my soul...just whelmed me with His love for me!!!
I could not even talk about it without tears...and with no voice anyway...just wept with the waves of LOVE!!
And, today, He says to me...let it go, Teddi!!!
I love you soooo much...and your desire is to be in the Secret Place full-time...you must let it go!!!
All your hurt from children and friends...hurt feelings and disappointments...you've allowed them to make you sick...physically sick...emotionally sick...and....
I love you so much!!! I uncovered you today so that you can see that LOVE covers a multitude of sin!
Family, friends, even church family who voted against me...they're all my problem and not yours...
You tell them, Teddi, that love...the love that you felt...covered in these past days...is the love I want you to love them with...
I believe that I am forgiven...not only for the sin I was born in...but for the sins of my tomorrows...
I am sooooo full of God's love that I had to write this today!!!! Not tomorrow!!!!
I pray you not allow any more hidden unforgivenesses dwell in you either!!!
We're coming to an end of the year of divine order...
We're entering a year of the unknown...
My husband and I keep looking at each other and saying this is not the nation we were raised in...we've been infiltrated...and there's a new order here...
But thanks be unto God...He is in charge!!! I will receive the blessings of the righteous because in order for those in the darkness to see me shine...I must allow my LORD JESUS to burn away the dross...
I'm still being refined!!! He's the potter and I'm the clay!!!
He's not finished with me yet!!!
I am including a link here for a song that I kept hearing after I heard Joel...and allowed God to create in me a clean heart!
Judy Jacobs is the one I had heard sing it on a cd I have...but on youtube I found it sung by the one who wrote and 1st performed it.
I pray it blesses you as it did me!!!
Mercy did indeed say NO!!!!!!! Wooooooo Hoooooo!!!!!!!
Until the next time....
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